Att Edinburgh the Tuenty second day of June Jaj vjc and four years
Act Infavours of John Blair
Anent the Petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties Privie Councill By John Blair prisoner Shewing That where he being very young was called abroad to France by his father by whose authority he was also detained there several years Dureing which tyme, he was very much prest to Change from the protestant Religion, In which I had the happiness to be Educated and in the profession wherof through Gods assistance He hopes to live and die. But after many different means were used in vaine to pervert him, He was at last abandoned and left without any means to live or subsist and in these Circumstances he imbraced the very first opportunity of returning to his native Country trusting to make some honest shift for my livelyhood among his friends which was the reason why he took the occasion of the first shipe that was passing that way. After his a Rivall as there was noe mistery in his comeing over so he lived openly amongst his freinds till he was committed upon some suspicion as he conceaved or Information s if he had been concerned in designs against the Government, and that he had changed his Religion, and was even entered into orders, and had dissembled his name at landing. As to all which he endeavoured to vindicat himselfe at the hands of several of there Lordships and after his examination his case being reported in Councill there Lordships were pleased to continue him prisoner, and at the same time to allow the petitioner to continue him prisoner, and at the same time to allow the petitioner ane aliment. But now haveing continued in prison Sixteen Weeks He conceaved if there had been any just cause of accusation against him, there had been some evidence found for it before this time. And the petitioner presumes there is non nor indeed can ther bee, for I doe utterly renounce and abhor all other Religions but the reformed protestant Religion in which he was bred, Nor had I ever the least thought concerning publict affaires, And for dissembling his name it was ameer mistake, all that He said being only that He was a Cussin of Mr David Blairs which was true, and which He choosed to own as being a name better knowen and more favourable then his fathers who has been long abroad. Soe that he conceaves there can be no other Question against him, But his being in France and his haveing continued there since the war and after the Indemnity As to the first, He hopes ther Lordships will compassionatly consider that he was but ane Infant when he was carried out of the Kingdome at his fathers Command, and that he was continued there by the same authority till he was abandoned and if he had come home, though there had been no indemnity in these desperat Circumstances, He presumes that under so clement and Mercyfull a Queen and moderat a Government, He should neither have been punished here or forced to returne to the persecutions and temptations he had escaped, Nor would he had failed to taken the benefite with the very first, But that living far in the Country of France from Paris, It was long before he knew of it, Nor had he the means to git away untill accedentally hearing of a scots shipe, He resolved to adventure by sea as the least expensive, and not doubting but his relations here would pay his fraught This state of his case is laid before there Lordships with all humility in order to his being discharged out of prison. And the petitioner is ready to Enact himselfe to answer when over he shall be called. And therfore Craveing to the effect aftermentioned as the said petitione Bears. The Lords of Her Majesties Privie Councill Haveing considered the petition given into them By John Blair son to Sir Adam Blair late of Carberrie And the samen being read in their presence, And they haveing called the said John Blair to the Barr and offered to him the formula, he did swear and subscrybe the samen Whereupon the saids Lords Gives order and warrant to the Magistrats of Edinburgh and keepers of there Tolbooth To sett the petitioner at Liberty furth therof upon his giveing Bond and finding sufficient Caution acted in the books of privie Councill for his appearance before the Councill when called, And in the mean tyme That he shall live peaceablie under and with all submission to Her Majesties Government, And that he shall not act consult or contrive anything to the prejudice therof Nor converse nor Correspond with any of Her Majesties Rebells or Enemies, and under the penaltie of ane Thousand merks scots money By and attour fullfilling of the premisses.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 253-5.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 253-5.