Act, 26 February 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh The Tuenty Sixth of February Jaj vijc and Four years Ante meridiem



Act Infavours off Alexander Steuart

Anent The petition given in and presented to The Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill By Alexander Steuart of Craigtoun Steuart depute of Monteith Shewing That the Deceast Sir Collin Campbell of Aberuchill Being Nominat by their Lordships To be Steuart principall of Monteith Dureing pleasure or ay and whyle The Earle of Murray (who is heretable Steuart principall) or his successers should qualifie Conforme to his Commission daited the first day of August 1699, years, The petitioner was nominat Steuart Depute By The Lord Aberuchill and have accordingly keept Courts and Exerced the other offices belonging to a steuart Depute within the said steuartrie for some years by past The petitioner must now humbly Represent to their Lordships That the Lord Aberuchill being now deceast His Commissione as Steuart Depute in consequence falls So that their can be noe Courts keept nor Justice administrat to the people withine the said steuartrie Neither is their any Judicatorie nearer then the toun of Pearth which is Tuenty myles distant Soe that the whole steuartrie will be put to a great deall of chairges in takeing up their processes allready depending befoir the petitioner as Steuart Deput of Monteith and goeing to Pearth upon every triffell and the petitioner cannot sit as Steuart Deput without their Lordships warrand for that effect And Therfore Creaving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears The Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill Haveing considered the above petition Giveing into them By Alexander Steuart of Craigtoun Steuart deput of Monteith And the samen being read in their presence The saids Lords Doe heirby grant Warrant and Commission To the petitioner to sit keep and continue Courts and to exerce the other pairts of the petitioners duty as steuart Deput within the Steuartry of Monteith as he Did formerly Dureing the Councills pleasure allenerly or ay and whyle the Earle of Murray and his successors qualifie themselves Conforme to Law.

Edinburgh The Tuenty Sixth of February Jaj vijc and Four years Ante meridiem



Act Infavours off Alexander Steuart

Anent The petition given in and presented to The Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill By Alexander Steuart of Craigtoun Steuart depute of Monteith Shewing That the Deceast Sir Collin Campbell of Aberuchill Being Nominat by their Lordships To be Steuart principall of Monteith Dureing pleasure or ay and whyle The Earle of Murray (who is heretable Steuart principall) or his successers should qualifie Conforme to his Commission daited the first day of August 1699, years, The petitioner was nominat Steuart Depute By The Lord Aberuchill and have accordingly keept Courts and Exerced the other offices belonging to a steuart Depute within the said steuartrie for some years by past The petitioner must now humbly Represent to their Lordships That the Lord Aberuchill being now deceast His Commissione as Steuart Depute in consequence falls So that their can be noe Courts keept nor Justice administrat to the people withine the said steuartrie Neither is their any Judicatorie nearer then the toun of Pearth which is Tuenty myles distant Soe that the whole steuartrie will be put to a great deall of chairges in takeing up their processes allready depending befoir the petitioner as Steuart Deput of Monteith and goeing to Pearth upon every triffell and the petitioner cannot sit as Steuart Deput without their Lordships warrand for that effect And Therfore Creaving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears The Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill Haveing considered the above petition Giveing into them By Alexander Steuart of Craigtoun Steuart deput of Monteith And the samen being read in their presence The saids Lords Doe heirby grant Warrant and Commission To the petitioner to sit keep and continue Courts and to exerce the other pairts of the petitioners duty as steuart Deput within the Steuartry of Monteith as he Did formerly Dureing the Councills pleasure allenerly or ay and whyle the Earle of Murray and his successors qualifie themselves Conforme to Law.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 173.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 173.