Edinburgh The Tuenty one day of March Jaj vijc and Four years
Warrand appointing David Baillie to be set upon the Trone
The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Considering that the tyme, way and manner of David Baillies standing upon the pillory Conforme to the former ordinance and sentence of Councill for that effect Is not as yet determined by their Lordships The saids Lords Doe heirby appoint and ordaine the said David Baillie to be carryed out of the Tolbuith to the Tron of Edinburgh under a sufficient guard The morrow being the Tuenty Second Instant And there to stand within the Iron Grate from the hours of Eleven to Tuelf of the Clock in the foirnoon with a paper upon his breast Bearing these words Infamous Lybeller And Commands and Ordaines The Magistrats of Edinburgh to see the samen effectually Execute and done And from thence to see the said David Baillie carried back to prison And therin to Continue conforme to the former sentence of Councill untill the samen be put to Execution.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 198.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 198.