Warrant, 3 February 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh The Thrid of February One Thousand seven Hundereth and four yeirs



Warrand for giveing up John Muir Skipper at Borrowstouness his Bond

The Lord Advocat Haveing Represented to the Councill That John Muir skipper in Borrowstouness, Being by Act of the Committee of privie Councill, Daited the seventh day of January last by past secured by the Magistrats of Montrose and that he had given Bond To appear befoir the Councill in manner therin mentioned, and that he being Examined befoir the Committee and the Lord Advocat made a Report theranent The saids Lords Declaires The said John Muir skipper to be at liberty to goe about his Laufull affaires and allowed him to get up from the Clerks off Councill his Bond given by hm for appearance befoir the Councill as said is.

Edinburgh The Thrid of February One Thousand seven Hundereth and four yeirs



Warrand for giveing up John Muir Skipper at Borrowstouness his Bond

The Lord Advocat Haveing Represented to the Councill That John Muir skipper in Borrowstouness, Being by Act of the Committee of privie Councill, Daited the seventh day of January last by past secured by the Magistrats of Montrose and that he had given Bond To appear befoir the Councill in manner therin mentioned, and that he being Examined befoir the Committee and the Lord Advocat made a Report theranent The saids Lords Declaires The said John Muir skipper to be at liberty to goe about his Laufull affaires and allowed him to get up from the Clerks off Councill his Bond given by hm for appearance befoir the Councill as said is.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 143.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 143.