Edinburgh The second day of May One Thousand seven Hundereth and four years
Recommendation to the Lord High Chancellour To examine Captine Spence anent the affront done by him to Her Majesties shipe The Royall Mary
The Lord High Chancellour Haveing represented to the Councill that there was ane great affront offered to Her Majesties shipe the Royall Mary Commanded by Captain Gordon whyll she was lyeing in the road of Leith By one Captain Spence who whyll comeing up the firth and passing by Her Majesties said shipe did not salute her though he saluted ane English man of Warr ryding there The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Recommend to the Lord High Chancellour To call for and Examin the said Captain Spence about the matter above represented and to doe therin as his Lordship shall think fitt or to call for any of the Chancellors in toune and advyse with them as he see cause.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 234.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 234.