Procedure, 28 December 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twenty Eight day of December Jaj vijc and four years



The Earle of Glencairn qualified himselfe to Her Majestie

The Earle of Glencairn being this day present in Councill Did qualifie himselfe to her Majestie as a privie Councellor Conforme to the Last Commission of Councill By swearing the oath of alleadgence and subscryveing the samen with the assurance, And the Lord Chancellor Did tender to his Lordship the oath de fideli, And his Lordship took his place at the board accordingly.

Att Edinburgh the Twenty Eight day of December Jaj vijc and four years



The Earle of Glencairn qualified himselfe to Her Majestie

The Earle of Glencairn being this day present in Councill Did qualifie himselfe to her Majestie as a privie Councellor Conforme to the Last Commission of Councill By swearing the oath of alleadgence and subscryveing the samen with the assurance, And the Lord Chancellor Did tender to his Lordship the oath de fideli, And his Lordship took his place at the board accordingly.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 324-5.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 324-5.