Att Edinburgh The Fifth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years
Act James and Marion Donaldsones for stipend of Dolppingtoune
Anent a petitione given In to the Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Be James and Marion Donaldsones Children to the deceast Mr James Donaldsone late Minister of Dolppingtoun Sheuing wheras the petitioners father being Minister att the said kirk of Dolppingtoune was in the year Jaj vjc sixtie one depryved of that Church for not conforming to prelacie and Complying with the courses of the tymes And hes allwayes untill he was restored by the Late Act of parliament been not only banished from the said charge But also exposed to Great sufferings upon account of his persuasione And now Having Continoued in the exercise of his ministrie in that paroch untill the month of October Jaj vjc nynty wherby the petitioners hes right to the first halfe of Jaj vjc nyntie one in name of ann2 and seing the Marquess of Douglass patrone of the said Church hes in regaird of the petitioners circumstances Consented that the last half of the said year Jaj vjc nyntie one should be payed to the petitioners as his consent produced with the said petitione Bears And therfore Humblie Craving to the effect underwryten as the said petitione Bears. The saids Lords of their Majesties privy Councell Having Considered this petitione given to them Be the said James and Marion Donaldsones with the consent of the patrone mentioned therin and produced therwith They Find and declare that the petitioners Have right to the stipend of the above kirk of Dolppingtoune for the haill Cropt and year of God Jaj vjc nyntie one And therfore they ordaine them to be readilie ansuered obeyed and payed therof Be the Heretors Fewars wodsetters and others Lyable in payment of the samen And ordaines Letters of horning at thir instance against them for that effect in case ther be none ordaines these Lyable to make payment to the petitioners of their represented proportiones of the said years stipend according as they shall be decerned by the Judge ordinary
1. NRS, PC1/47, 562-3.
2. Annat (ann) is the first half-year’s income of a benefice legally due to the executors of ministers, over and above what was due to the minister himself for his incumbency.
1. NRS, PC1/47, 562-3.