Act, 5 January 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fifth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years



Act Mr John Bethuin for stipend

Anent a petitione Given In to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councell Be Mr John Bethuin Minister of the Gospell Sheuing That quher the petitioner Entered into the Ministrie in the Kirk of Aiton In anno Jaj vjc sixtie nyne (By the removall of Mr William Hoom Into the kirk of Newmilnes in the next Countrie) Ther was neither Manse yeards nor noe Conveniency at Aiton for a Minister So that the petitioner was superexpended in seven hundred merks for building the same more then he receaved As also the petitioner being ordored by the privie Councell to bestow ane Thousand merks towards the Repairing of the Bridge of Aiton as a publict good and pious work In anno jm vic Eightie off which he receaved Five hundred merks of a Fyne Imposed upon the Lady Aiton for her Clandestine marriage And their Lordships promised to make up the remainder to the petitioner off which he was superexpended And that he was superexpended besyds his Charges and paines In observing will be made appear by the Accompts Given In to the Lord Funtainhall and Sir John Hall who was ordored to receave them And the Stipend of the said kirk of Aiton being vaccant Cropts and years of God Jaj vjc nyntie and Jaj vjc nyntie one The saids Lords By a Representatione Having been pleased to ordor the said stipend Jaj vjc nyntie to be applyed for the further repairing of the said Bridge which noe body having taken on hand to Imploy it as said is The work Lyes undone and the stipend in the Heretors hands And now seing the petitioner hes not only for many years served the Cure to the satisfactione of the Heretors and uthers Concerned in the said paroch and that the petitioner hath the unanimous Call of the saids Heretors and parochners which Call Lyes before the presbytrie of Chirnsyde for want of opportunity and Leasure to expede the forsaid Call so as to reenter him in the office of the Ministrie in the said paroch By all which the petitioner is redacted to stratts not only for want of a Livelyhood But also by reasone that anything that is ouing to the petitioner is aither in desperat or Irresponsall hands And also by reasone of the petitioners fixed residence ther And that the stipend is yet undisposed off and at their Lordships disposall And therfore Humblie Craving to the effect underwryten as the said petitione Bears The saids Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Having considered the said petitione Given In to them Be the uithin Mr John Bethun Minister of the Gospell They heirby allow to the petitioner the stipend of the said kirk of Aiton for the years Jaj vjc nyntie and Jaj vjc nyntie one To be Imployed in the first place for repairing of the said bridge of Aiton and making the highway Leading to and from the said Bridge a sufficient Highway wheron Cairts and Coaches may pass and that at the sight of the Lord Pollwarth Sir John Lauder of Funtainhall one of the Senators of the Colledge of Justice and Sir John Hall of Dunglass or any tuo of them And the superplus of the saids stipends if any be so belong to the petitioner And nominats and appoyntes the petitioner to be Factor for up Lifting of the saids tuo years stipends And ordaines him to be readily ansuered obeyed and payed therof Be the Heretors fewers wodsetters Liferenters titulars tacksemen of teynds tennents possessors and others Lyable in payment of the samen And ordaines Letters of Horning to be direct at his instance agaisnt them for that effect upon productione of a decreit of Locality and in case ther Be none ordaines these lyable to make payment of their respective proportiones according as the samen shall be decerned by the Judge ordinary In respect the petitioner before extracting heirof Hath Found sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councell That he shall Employ the saids tuo years stipends in the first place For the ends and at the sight ahove mentioned

At Edinburgh 5 January 1692



Act to Mr John Bethuin for stipend

Concerning a petition given in to the lords of their majesties’ privy council by Mr John Bethuin2, minister of the Gospel, showing that where the petitioner entered into the ministry in the kirk of Ayton in anno 1669 (by the removal of Mr William Hume into the kirk of Newmilns in the next county) there was neither manse, yards nor conveniency at Ayton for a minister, so that the petitioner was superexpended in seven hundred merks for building the same more then he received, as also the petitioner being ordered by the privy council to bestow a thousand merks towards the repairing of the bridge of Ayton as a public good and pious work in anno 1680 of which he received five hundred merks of a fine imposed upon the Lady Ayton for her clandestine marriage, and their lordships promised to make up the remainder to the petitioner of which he was superexpended, and that he was superexpended besides his charges and pains in observing will be made appear by the accounts given in to [Sir John Lauder] Lord Fountainhall and Sir John Hall, who were ordered to receive them, and the stipend of the said kirk of Ayton being vacant crops and years of God for 1690 and 1691 the said lords by a representation having been pleased to order the said stipend for 1690 to be applied for the further repairing of the said bridge, which nobody having taken on hand to employ it as said is, the work lies undone and the stipend in the heritors’ hands, and now seeing the petitioner has not only for many years served the cure to the satisfaction of the heritors and others concerned in the said parish, and that the petitioner has the unanimous call of the said heritors and parishioners which call lies before the presbytery of Chirnside for want of opportunity and leisure to expedite the foresaid call so as to re-enter him in the office of the ministry in the said parish, by all which the petitioner is redacted to straits not only for want of a livelihood but also by reason that anything that is owing to the petitioner is either in desperate or irresponsible hands, and also by reason of the petitioner’s fixed residence there, and that the stipend is yet undisposed of and at their lordships’ disposal, and therefore humbly craving to the effect underwritten as the said petition bears. The said lords of their majesties’ privy council having considered the said petition given in to them by the within Mr John Bethuin, minister of the Gospel, they hereby allow to the petitioner the stipend of the said kirk of Ayton for the years 1690 and 1691 to be employed in the first place for repairing of the said bridge of Ayton and making the highway leading to and from the said bridge a sufficient highway whereon carts and coaches may pass, and that at the sight of [Patrick Hume] Lord Polwarth, Sir John Lauder of Fountainhall, one of the senators of the college of justice and Sir John Hall of Dunglass, or any two of them, and the surplus of the said stipends, if any be so, belong to the petitioner, and nominate and appoint the petitioner to be factor for uplifting of the said two years’ stipends, and ordain him to be readily answered, obeyed and paid thereof by the heritors, feuars, wadsetters, liferenters, titulars, tacksmen of teinds, tenants, possessors and others liable in payment of the same, and ordain letters of horning to be directed at his instance against them for that effect upon production of a decreet of locality, and in case there be none ordain those liable to make payment of their respective proportions according as the same shall be decerned by the judge ordinary, in respect the petitioner before extracting hereof hath found sufficient caution acted in the books of privy council that he shall employ the said two years’ stipends in the first place for the ends and at the sight abovementioned.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 563-4.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 563-4.

2. Perhaps Bethune or Beaton