Commission to the Council, 12 January 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Twelvth day off January Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years


Commission to the Council

Earle of Tweeddale made Lord Chancellor

The Commissione under their Majesties privy seall and great seall In favoures of John Earle of Tueeddale To be Lord Chancellour and principall Keeper of the Great Seall of this Kingdome and the Earle called to the Board The Earle of Craufurd delyvered to him the Commissione and the Lord Chancellor did suear and signe the oath of alleadgance and did signe the assurance or Certificat appoynted by Act of Parliament And Having given his oath de fideli did take his place at the Councell board as Lord Chancellor Conforme to his Majesties Commissione And the Councell appoynted the Commissione to be recorded in the books of privie Councell And the Great seall of this kingdome being by Alexander Inglis depute keeper or appender thereof delyvered to the Lord Chancellor in face of Councell His Lordship did redelyver the same to him Folloues the tenor of the Commissione
The Lord Chancellors Commissione
Gullielmus et Maria Dei Gratia Magnae Brittaniae Franciae et Hyberniae Rex et Regina Fideique defensores Omnibus probis hominibus ad quos presentes literae nostrae pervenerint salutem Quandoquidem nos Intelligentes quantum ministerii nostri commodo Intersit illud fiduciae munus et officium Cancellarii nostri antiqui regni nostri Scotiae unico cuidam fidelitate Intaminata Integritate et eximiis animi Dotibus imbuto Committere potius quam Idem illud officium in Commissione ad plures continuare Cumque nobis luculenter et manifeste constet [tam de fidelitate]2 quam de preclaris animi dotibus et diuturna experientia fidelissimi et dilectissimi nostri Consanguinii et Conciliarii Joannis Comitis de Tueeddale etc quibus ad summi illius officii munera exacte obeunda et fungenda usque quaque est Idonius Noveritis igitur nos nominasse fecisse constituisse et ordinasse sicute per hasce nostras presentes literas Nominamus Facimus Constituimus et ordinamus Eundem fidelissimum et dilectissimum nostrum Consanguineum et Conciliarium Joannem Comitem de Tueeddale etc (durante nostro beneplacito duntaxat) Supremum dicti antiqui Regni nostri Scotiae Cancellarium et solem et principalem magni nostri sigilli ejusdem regni Custodem Damus pariter Concedimus et Disponimus ipsi (durante spatio antedecto)3 Idem munus et officium Cum universis honoribus dignitatibus praecedentiis privilegiis feodis et pensione per Jacobum Comitem de Perth nostrum Cancellarium vell quem libet alium ex ejus in dicto officio antecessoribus potitis et gavisis sive quae ve de lege et consuetudine eo Juste spectare dignoscentur Et speciatim cum plenaria potestate et privilegio presidendi in omnibus parliamentis ordinum Conventibus Curiis aliisque omnibus conventibus per nos statutis vell statuendis quibus dictus noster supremus Cancellarius Intererit (excepto omnimodo scaccario nostro presente Thesaurario nostro principali) omnibus pariter subditis nostris mandamus et Imperamus ut memoratum Joanem Comitem de Tueeddale tanquam Supremum nostrum antedicti Regni cancellarium omni quo par est honori et respectu summo Illo officio et muneri debito agnoscant p[r]osequantur et rever[e]antur secretioris etiam Concilii nostri dicti regni dominos requirimus I[i]sque authoritatem tribuimus ut Juramentum ejus De fideli administratione in dicto munere et officio exigant utque Itidem Juramenta fidelitatis et securitatis per nuperum Parliamenti actum statuta ipsum dicere et subscribere efficiant In cujus rei testimonium presentibus magnum nostrum sigillum Cum secreto etiam nostro sigillo appendi Mandavimus Apud Aulam nostram De Kensingtoune Quinto die mensis Januarii anno domini Millesimo sexcentesimo nonagesimo secundo regni nostri tertio Per Signaturam Manu S D: N: Regis suprascriptam Sealled at Edinburgh the tuelfth of January Jaj vjc nyntie tuo sic subscribitur John Inglis Edinburgh 12 day of January 1692 The privie seall is appended hereto By me depute Keeper therof Sic subscribitur H Douglass wryten to the Great Seall and registrat the 12 day of January 1692 Sic subscribitur William Kerr

At Edinburgh 12 January 1692


Commission to the Council

[John Hay] Earle of Tweeddale made Lord Chancellor

The commission under their majesties’ privy seal and great seal in favour of John earl of Tweeddale to be lord chancellor and principal keeper of the great seal of this kingdom and the earl called to the board, [William Lindsay] earl of Crawford delivered to him the commission and the lord chancellor did swear and sign the oath of allegiance and did sign the assurance or certificate appointed by act of parliament, and having given his oath de fideli, did take his place at the council board as lord chancellor, conforming to his majesty’s commission, and the council appointed the commission to be recorded in the books of privy council and the great seal of this kingdom being by Alexander Inglis, deputy keeper or appender thereof, delivered to the lord chancellor in face of council, his lordship did redeliver the same to him. Follows the tenor of the commission:
The Lord Chancellor’s Commission
William and Mary by the grace of God king and queen of Great Britain, France and Ireland, and defenders of the faith, to all good men to whom our present letters will have come, greetings. Since we understanding how much it makes a difference to the profit of our administration to commit that gift of trust and office of our chancellor of our ancient kingdom of Scotland to one alone imbued with unblemished loyalty, integrity and exceptional talents of character rather than to continue that same office in commission to several, and since it stands sweetly and clearly to us so much from the fidelity as from the distinguished qualities of character and long lasting knowledge of our most faithful and dear kinsman and councillor John, earl of Tweeddale etc, with which he is totally suitable for attaining and performing the duties of that high office; therefore know that we have named, made, constituted and ordained, just as by these our present letters we nominate, make, constitute and ordain our same most faithful and dear kinsman and councillor John, earl of Tweeddale etc (during our pleasure only) high chancellor of our said ancient kingdom of Scotland and sole and principal guardian of our great seal of that kingdom. Equally, we give, grant and assign to him (during the foresaid interval) the same duty and office with all honours, dignities, precedents, privileges, fees and pension obtained and enjoyed by James, earl of Perth our chancellor or whomsoever other of his predecessors in the said office, or which things are known to pertain to it justly, according to law and custom. And especially with full power and privilege of presiding in all parliaments, conventions of estates, courts and all other meetings established by us or to be established, for which our said high chancellor will be present (the exception entirely for our exchequer with our principal treasurer being present). We equally command and order to all our subjects that they acknowledge, honour and respect the renowned John, earl of Tweeddale as our high chancellor of the foresaid kingdom, in all which he is equal to the honour and respect owed to that high office and duty, and we require also the lords of our privy council of the said kingdom and we bestow the authority on them that they demand his oath of faithful administration in the said duty and office, and that likewise they make him say and subscribe the oaths of fidelity and security established by the recent act of parliament. In testimony whereof, we have ordered our great seal, also with our privy seal, to be appended to the presents. At our court of Kensington on 5 January 1692, the third year of our reign, by the sign manual of our supreme lord the king above written.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 566-7.

2. See RPS, 1693/4/4.

3. Sic. *Recte* antedicto.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 566-7.