Decreet, 5 January 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fifth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years



Interlocutor The Tacksmen of the excyse of Fyffe and Angus

The Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Having Considered a petitione given In to them Be James Crawfurd of Muntquhany and James Lundie of Strathairlie tacksemen of the excyse off Fyff and Angus They Recommend to the Lords of their Majesties Thesaurie to Consider the said petitione And Give their instructions to their Majesties Sollicitor and assistants to Ansuer the same against the nixt dyet of Councell And appoyntes the petitioners to produce that day the Instructiones and documents of the losses alleadged sustained by them wherupon they Crave defalcatione of the tack deuty And appoyntes George Hamiltone of Barntoune and […]2 Enstruther of Wrae to see and ansuer the said petitione against the said day if they have any thing to object against the same And the saids Lords discharges any quartering to be used Against the petitioners for the above tack deuty untill the tuelvth of January Instant And if ther be any pairties already quartered for the same ordaines them furthuith to be removed And the saids Lords declares that they will hear this affaire upon the saids tenth of January instant And ordaines both parties and their procurators to attend the said day to debate the said matter

At Edinburgh 5 January 1692



Interlocutor for the Tacksmen of the excise of Fife and Angus

The lords of their majesties’ privy council having considered a petition given in to them by James Crawford of Mountquhanie and James Lundie of Strathairlie, tacksmen of the excise of Fife and Angus, they recommend to the lords of their majesties’ treasury to consider the said petition, and give their instructions to their majesties’ solicitor and assistants to answer the same against the next diet of council, and appoint the petitioners to produce that day the instructions and documents of the losses alleged sustained by them whereupon they crave defalcation of the tack duty, and appoints George Hamilton of Barnton and [Robert] Anstruther of Wrae to see and answer the said petition against the said day if they have any thing to object against the same, and the said lords discharge any quartering to be used against the petitioners for the above tack duty until the twelfth of January instant, and if there be any parties already quartered for the same ordain them forthwith to be removed. And the said lords declare that they will hear this affair upon the said tenth of January instant and ordain both parties and their procurators to attend the said day to debate the said matter.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 558.

2. NRS transcription has put Robert. NRS, SRO10/582/1.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 558.

2. NRS transcription has put Robert. NRS, SRO10/582/1.