Att Edinburgh The seventeenth day of Apryll 1701
Aliment to the Lady Cluthick
Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of privie Councill By Catherine Douglas Relict of the deceast John Campbell of Clathick Humbly Shewing That in the petitioners Contract of Mariage with he said Deceast husband she had a Lyfrent provision of six hundreth merks yearly out of his Lands of Clathick and was infeft therupon in anno Jaj vjc nynty three Her Father Mr William Douglas of Bands being oblidged for six Thousand merks of Tocher in the forsaid Contract Did make most punctwall payment therof upon the faith that her lyfrent would be effectwall and that her husbands lands were worth tuelve hundreth merks per annum after her husband comeing to die in anno Jaj vjc nynty fyve Leaveing her with a sone and a Daughter she was keeped out of or thrust from the possession of her Liferent by Coline Campbell of Lochland who brevi manu without any order of Law took possession of all both Lands and moveables that her husband had left and hes airtfully keeped her from persewing hiherto by fair promises and overtures of submissions till it cam to the subscryveing To which she gave ear not desireing to be heard in Law by reason of the profound respect she bore to her Husbands memorie and that she had no means to play Whyle in the mean time she hes been necessitat to contract debts for her subsistance besides the Charritie of her freinds The petitioner did therfore most humblie apply to their Lordships Justice and Compassion for ane aliment against the said Coline Campbell of Lochland who hes being and is still in possession of Her husbands estate The Lands extending to about tuelve hundreth merks yearly The victwall wherof dureing the time of this late dearth amounts to a great value and the moveables being about three thousand merks in estimat wherof he hes never made any accompt wpon these grounds primo That the petitioner standing infeft of the forsaid six hundreth merks yearly Her Husbands possession was her possession And consequently she had good intrest to claim the being reponed therunto Being put therfrom by Lochland without any order of Law as a forsaid Their Lordships being in use to right his majesties Leidges in their possession and more especially the Widowes and orphans who are in a peculiar mainer under His Majesties protection Secudo This being ane Intervall of the sitting of the session while it was Interrupted by the Sitting of parliament And she haveing no means so much as for raising of proceses for makeing his right fully effectwall before their Lordships It as most humbly hoped that in the mean time Their Lordships would at the Least modifie ane aliment to the petitioner That she and one of her Children who stayes with her may not starve And Decerne in respect of the bygones resting to her wuch a Compitent soume for receiveing her most pressing debts and caryeing on her proces as their Lordships shall think fitt Tertio As the petitioner Could not think That Lochland would make any opposition heirunto In respect it will be alloued to him in his accompts and Defalked from the petitioner when she claims the rests so if there were not some remeids for poor destitute widows in such a Circumstantiat cause Then it would be easie for any person who had the confidence to thrust himself into possession of what belongs to them in the Highlands or near it (On the faith wherof the Loan of money cannot well be expected here) and they never be in capacitie of recovering it or wanting aither expenses or subsistance which necessarly bring the matter under the Justice and regulation of the Government Naither can it be pretended for Lochland that he can cover his possession by ane Adjudication ledd against the petitioners Husband at the instance of his mother and assigned to Lochland her husbands mother the Adjudger For in the first place as the very telling of this speaks in trust for the petitioners husbands behove which in consequence did accress to the petitioners right it being the deed of a mother so defacto Lochland cannot deny that he granted a Backbond (Wherof a double was shouen to their Lordships) oblidging himself be denude in favours of the petitioners husband or a blank person upon payment of tuo thousand and odd pounds Which soume is much more then Quadruple payed by his forsaids Intromissions In the second place The petitioners infeftment in the year Jaj vjc Nynty three is confessedlie prir and therfore preferrable to this posteriror Adjudication Especially considering the late act of parliament anent appearand heirs But in the third place The legall of this Adjucaction is still Current And as it is extinct by Intromissions so the estate is far beyond any debt due by the late Heretors of it And if there by any Clamour made wpon that head it can only proceed from manifast disingenuitie and designe of shifteing the petitioenrs Just right by rendering her incapable aither to live or prosecute it In the fourth place The petitioners demands is sufficiently Founded wpon possession which uncontrovertedly comes under the Lords of privie Councills Cognizeance For her husbands possession being her possession it was a kynd of Intrusion in Lochland to come in therupon after her husbands Death without any order of Law Whence It was most humblie hoped that their Lordships equitie and Commiseration and would care for Defence of the Widdow and Fatherles would aither Repone the petitioner to her possession or otherwayes in Liew therof Modifie her Intrest therin by appoynting ane aliment to her in the mean time without which she would never be able to make her right effectwall or to subsist Her caise being most singularly speciall and circumstantiat Therfore Craveing the saids Lords to appoynt the said Coline Campbell of Lochland possessor of the petitioners Joynture lands of of her husbands other estate to pay to her such ane aliment as their Lordships should think fitt Beginning the first erme at Whitsonday next Togither with such a soume to be Imputed in the first and of bygones As the saids Lords shall think expedient In respect of her Rights produced, The possession which was due to her, Her Incapacitie of makeing her Right fully effectwall, or substing otherwayes and the other Circumstantiat speciallities of her caise And in place of a Citation To allow the petitioner to make intimation to the said Coline Campbell As the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties privie Councill haveing considered this petition given in to them by the Lady Clathick With Answers therto by Campbell of Lochland with a verball report of the Committie could not agree the parties They Heirby modifie and Appoynt the soume of six hundreth merks to be payed to the petitioner And Decernes and ordains the said Coline Campbell of Lohland who is possessor of the petitioners Joynture lands to make payment to her of the samen at the termes of Whitsonday and Lambas next to come three hundreth merks at each terme And that for the petitioners aliment ay and whill the Lands wheron she was said to be infeft shall be sold and disposed on before the Lords of Session before whom they are Informed a proces of sale is depending presently
1. NRS, PC2/28, 81v-83v.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 81v-83v.