Edinburgh the Fourteinth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie two years
Recomendatione in favors of Two Danish Troopers
Anent a Petitione given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill be Petter Prizonoustie and Albert Cronenberg two danish Troopers Shewing That the petitioners hade been in millitary service to their majesties King William and Queen Mary in Ireland under the Conduct of Collonoll Christopher Parnnup wher for the space of two years they ware fighting against the rebellious Irish Behaveing themselves valient and Servicable as occasion did affoord and their pass uould informe Both being the petitiones late so ordered by divine Providence that at2 the intakeing of Kingsaill The Petitioners did fall in the hands of their enemies and the one lost his left hand and the other was shott through his legg and foot and therby rendered incapable for any furder service, and for that end Haveing obtained a pass to goe homward or wher else providence in ther misery should conduct them Bot being altogither destitute of all earthly means to cary the Petitioners in ther Jurney They therby intreat the saids Lords as the only supporters of their majesties faithfull and thus hurted servants And Therfore Humbly Craveing that the saids Lords would look upon them with the eyes of mercy as objects of Pitty as strangers in a strange land wounded and lamed and in capable for any service and with the granting the petitioners a case for their free travelling to grant the saids Lords a favorable Suitour of Charitie for the carieing them on their Jurney as the Petition bears The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Haveing he and this petitione given in to them be the within Peeter Bozonouskie and Albert Cronenberg read in their presence They Recomend to the Lords Commissioners of ther majesties thesaurie To give orders for furnishing the petitioners with such Charitable supplie as the saids Lords should find their cause and Condition to requyre and stands in need of And Recomends to the Lord Chancelor to signe a pass to the petitioners for travelling from this to their oun homes.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 8v-9r.
2. Insertion.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 8v-9r.