Act, 14 January 1692, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Fourteinth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie two years



Act Mr William Gullon

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill be Mr William Gullon preacher of the gospell Shewing That quher the petitioner served in the meetting house of the paroch of Ceudinghame, Haymouth and Aytoune at the desyre and invitatione of the people of the said paroches and ther continued till the deprivatione of Mr Alexander Douglas late incumbent at Coldinghame since which tyme the petitioner at the appoyntment of the Presbytrie of Chirnsyde and with consent and at the desyre of the said people hath supplied the said vaccancie and preached in the said2 Church quhich was allready made appear to the saids Lords in June Jaj vjc nyntie one at quhich tyme the saids Lords granted to the petitioner the half of the stipend Jaj vjc Eightie nyne and Jaj vjc nyntie of the saids parish of Coldinghame and the petitioner being informed that upon applicatione to the saids Lords by Mr Alexander Douglas late incumbent at Coldinghame and mr James Lawtie late incumbent of Chirnsyde misrepresenting to the saids Lords as of the forsaid parishes ware still vaccant and not supplyed Supplyed by any other minister the saids Lords have been pleased to grant the stipend of Coldinghame for the year Jaj vjc nyntie one to the said Mr Alexander Douglas and the stipend of Eymouth for the year Jaj vjc nyntie one to said Mr James Lawtie Wheras it is humbly offered to the saids Lords Consideratione that the saids Mr Alexander Douglas and Mr James Lawtie being deprived by the saids Lords for not obeying the proclamation and not praying for King William and Queen Mary and have never qualified themselves by takeing the oath of alledgance, yet have taken upon them to preach in the Church of Aytoune upon a pretended call of some of the heritors of Coldinghame and Eymouth and therby pretends right to the stipend and the saids calls being offered to the presbytrie of Chirnsyde ware found not to be in the termes of the act of Parliament and nothing hath followed therupon wherby the said Mr Alexander Douglas and Mr James Lawtie have no right at all to the stipend bot one the contrary the petitioner haveing supplyed the vaccancie of the said Church of Coldinghame ever since the deprivatione of the said Mr Alexander Douglas by the appointment of the Presbytrie and at the desyre and with the consent of the heritors and elders and other parishoners of the said parish of Coldinghame as ane testificat under the hands of the heritors and elders of the said parish produced would testifie, hath therby right conforme to the act of Parliament to the stipend of the said parish of Coldinghame and what ever favor It pleased the saids Lords to conferr upon the said Mr Alexander Douglas and Mr James Lawtie, yet the same cannot prejudge the petitioner his right and Just clame to the stipend for which he hath actually served in the saids paroches And Therfore Humbly Craving the saids Lords to take the premisses to ther serious Consideration and to recall the right granted by the saids Lords to the said Mr Alexander Douglas and to be pleased to grant the petitioner a right to the stipend of the said parish of Coldinghame for the said year Jaj vjc nyntie one In respect that he hade served in the said parish the said year and yet continueth in the same and if the saids Lords thought fitt to appoint the stipend of Eymouth betuixt the said Mr Alexander Douglas and Mr James Lawtie who have no right therto Bot only what the saids Lords are pleased to allow in point of favor as the petitione bears The Lords of ther majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered the petition given in to them be the above Mr William Gullane and answers made therto be the above Mr Alexander Douglas and Mr James Lawtie with the writtes produced for aither partie They Refuse the Desyre of the petitione and adheres to their former interloquitor in favors of the above Mr Douglas and Mr Lawtie.

Edinburgh 14 January 1692



Act for Mr William Gullon

Concerning a petition given in to the lords of their majesties’ privy council by Mr William Gullon, preacher of the Gospel, showing that where the petitioner served in the meeting house of the parish of Coldingham,Eyemouth and Ayton at the desire and invitation of the people of the said parishes and there continued till the deprivation of Mr Alexander Douglas, late incumbent at Coldingham, since which time the petitioner at the appointment of the presbytery of Chirnside, and with consent and at the desire of the said people he has supplied the said vacancy and preached in the said church which was already made appear to the said lords in June 1691 at which time the said lords granted to the petitioner the half of the stipend of 1689 and 1690 of the said parish of Coldingham, and the petitioner being informed that upon application to the said lords by Mr Alexander Douglas, late incumbent at Coldingham, and Mr James Lawtie, late incumbent of Chirnside misrepresenting to the said lords as of the forsaid parishes were still vacant and not supplied by any other minister, the said lords have been pleased to grant the stipend of Coldingham for the year 1691 to the said Mr Alexander Douglas, and the stipend of Eyemouth for the year 1691 to said Mr James Lawtie, whereas it is humbly offered to the said lords consideration that the said Mr Alexander Douglas and Mr James Lawtie, being deprived by the said lords for not obeying the proclamation and not praying for King William and Queen Mary, and have never qualified themselves by taking the oath of allegiance, yet have taken upon them to preach in the church of Ayton upon a pretended call of some of the heritors of Coldingham and Eyemouth and thereby pretends right to the stipend and the said calls being offered to the presbytery of Chirnside were found not to be in the terms of the act of parliament, and nothing hath followed thereupon whereby the said Mr Alexander Douglas and Mr James Lawtie have no right at all to the stipend but on the contrary the petitioner having supplied the vacancy of the said church of Coldingham ever since the deprivation of the said Mr Alexander Douglas, by the appointment of the presbytery and at the desire and with the consent of the heritors and elders and other parishioners of the said parish of Coldingham as an testificate, under the hands of the heritors and elders of the said parish produced would testify, hath thereby right conforming to the act of parliament to the stipend of the said parish of Coldingham, and whatever favour it pleased the said lords to confer upon the said Mr Alexander Douglas and Mr James Lawtie, yet the same cannot prejudge the petitioner his right and lust claim to the stipend for which he has actually served in the said parishes, and therefore humbly craving the said lords to take the premisses to their serious consideration and to recall the right granted by the said lords to the said Mr Alexander Douglas, and to be pleased to grant the petitioner a right to the stipend of the said parish of Coldingham for the said year 1691, in respect that he had served in the said parish the said year and yet continues in the same, and if the said lords thought fit to appoint the stipend of Eyemouth between the said Mr Alexander Douglas and Mr James Lawtie, who have no right thereto but only what the said lords are pleased to allow in point of favour as the petition bears. The lords of their majesties’ privy council having considered the petition given in to them by the above Mr William Gullon and answers made thereto by the above Mr Alexander Douglas and Mr James Lawtie, with the writs produced for either party, they refuse the desire of the petition and adheres to their former interlocutor in favour of the above Mr Douglas and Mr Lawtie.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 9v-10v.

2. The word ‘paroch’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 9v-10v.