Warrant, 7 January 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Seventh day of January Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years



Warrand anent Hanna Salmon drumer prisoner in the toune guard for Robbery

The Lords of thir Majesties privy Councill being informed by the magistrats of Edinburgh that they have seazed upon Hanna Salmon a drumer in Sir James Lesslies regiment and have comitted him prisoner in their toune guard for robbing a woman of her pleid betuixt Leith and Edinburgh on Tuesday last betuixt five and six a cloack in the evening, And Sir Thomas Livingstoune Commander in cheif of their Majesties forces within this kingdom haveing accquanted their Lordships that the officers of the said regiment have informed him that the person Comitted to the guard of Edinburgh is Innocent of the said cryme and that the persones guilty therof are prisoners in their guard The saids Lords of privy Councill Doe heirby Recomend to the said Sir Thomas Livingston to call and hold a Councill of Warr upon on the persones alledged guilty of the forsaid Robbery and to take tryall therof and give sentance against and cause punish the persones who shall be found guilty of the same according to their demerite and gives order and warrand to the magistrats of Edinburgh and Captaine of their toune Company of guards to deliver the said Hanna Salmon to these whom the said Sir Thomas Livingstoune shall Impower to receive and requyre Him from their hands.

At Edinburgh 7 January 1692



Warrant concerning Hanna Salmon drummer, prisoner in the town guard for Robbery

The lords of their majesties’ privy council being informed by the magistrates of Edinburgh that they have seized upon Hanna Salmon, a drummer in Sir James Leslie’s regiment and have committed him prisoner in their town guard for robbing a woman of her plaid between Leith and Edinburgh on Tuesday last between five and six o’clock in the evening, and Sir Thomas Livingston, commander in chief of their majesties’ forces within this kingdom, having acquainted their lordships that the officers of the said regiment have informed him that the person committed to the guard of Edinburgh is innocent of the said crime and that the persons guilty thereof are prisoners in their guard, the said lords of privy council do hereby recommend to the said Sir Thomas Livingston to call and hold a council of war upon on the persons alleged guilty of the forsaid robbery and to take trial thereof and give sentence against and cause punish the persons who shall be found guilty of the same, according to their demerite, and gives order and warrant to the magistrates of Edinburgh and captain of their town company of guards to deliver the said Hanna Salmon to those whom the said Sir Thomas Livingston shall empower to receive and require him from their hands.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 5v.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 5v.