Act, 7 January 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Seventh day of January Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years



Act The Master of Burleigh and others

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Robert Master of Burleigh and remanent persones underwritten Shewing That wher some heritors of Coall rent in Fyfe haveing meaned themselves to the saids Lords have obtained freedome from paying any cess for ther Coall rent especallie wher the Coall is become altogither useless to them, and now the Coall rents belonging to the Earle of Murray and the said Master of Burleigh at the Keltie Heughes being valued one Hundred and fiftie pund rent each of them is become of no use the Coall being quyt away, And sucklyke the Laird of Balmoutoes Coall rent of one hundred sixtein pund threten shilling four pennes rent and the Laird of Baldriggs of Sixtie six punds thretein shill four penies all are given up, and it is not reasonable that they should pay cess for a rent which they had nothing of, and which is quyte extinguished, Bot raither that the samen should be given doune and the partie which is now quartering for the samen Discharged and the saids Lords would find some other way they thought fittest for makeing up the totall of the shyre and not to sufer the petitioners to be appressed in paying cess for a rent which is not in rerum natura as the Commissioners of the shyre shall make it up And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords to Discharge the present quartering untill some way be taken by the saids Lords or the Commissioners of the Shyre to take any other way for makeing up the totall of the shyre as the petitioner bears. The Lords of ther Majesties Privy Councill haveing heard this petition given in to them be the Master of Burghly Read in their presence They ordaine the Collector of the shyre within which the Master of Burghlies Coall Lyes, To see the same, and appoints him to accquaint the Commissioners of assessment of the said shyre therwith, and appoints them to given in their answers therto betuixt and the nynth day of February nixt to come, and Discharging all quartering to be used against the said master till the saids ansuers be given in to, and advysed be the saids Lords of Councill, and if ther be any parties allready quartured up on the master Ordaines them to be removed for the masters proportion of the cess of the above Coall Conform to the valuation of the shyre.

At Edinburgh 7 January 1692



Act for the Master of Burleigh and others

Concerning a petition given in to the lords of their majesties’ privy council by Robert [Balfour] Master of Burleigh and remaining persons underwritten, showing that where some heritors of coal rent in Fife having submitted themselves to the said lords have obtained freedom from paying any cess for their coal rent, especially where the coal has become altogether useless to them, and now the coall rents belonging to the earl of Murray and the said Master of Burleigh at the Keltie Heughes being valued at one hundred and fifty pounds rent each of them has become of no use, the coal being quit away, and likewise the Laird of Balmuto’s coal rent of one hundred and sixteen pounds, thirteen shillings and four pennies rent and the Laird of Baldridge of sixty six pounds, thirteen shillings and four pennies all are given up, and it is not reasonable that they should pay cess for a rent which they had nothing of, and which is quite extinguished, but rather that the same should be given down and the party which is now quartering for the same discharged and the said lords would find some other way they thought most fit for making up the total of the shire and not to suffer the petitioners to be oppressed in paying cess for a rent which is not in in the nature of things as the commissioners of the shire shall make it up, and therefore humbly craving the said lords to discharge the present quartering until some way be taken by the said lords or the commissioners of the shire to take any other way for making up the total of the shire as the petitioner bears. The lords of their majesties’ privy council having heard this petition given in to them by the Master of Burleigh read in their presence they ordain the collector of the shire within which the Master of Burleigh’s coall lyes, to see the same and appoints him to acquaint the commissioners of assessment of the said shire therewith, and appoints them to give in their answers thereto between now and the ninth day of February next to come, and discharging all quartering to be used against the said master until the said answers be given in to, and advised by the saids lords of council, and if there be any parties already quartered up on the master ordain them to be removed for the master’s proportion of the cess of the above coal conforming to the valuation of the shire.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 5v-6r.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 5v-6r.