Act, 12 January 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Twelvth day off January Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years



Act the Heretors of Dunscore for stipend

Anent a petitione given In to the Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Be Gilbert Greirsone of Chappell and Robert Maxuell of Steilstoune For themselves and In name and behalf of the remanent Heretors Lyferenters and parochners of the paroch of Dunscore within the shyre of Nithsdale and presbytrie of Drumfreis Sheuing That wher by the river of Cairn divyding and lying Interjected betuixt the said Church and a Great part of the paroch The paroshners are not only Impeded when ther is the least speat of water therin from repairing to the said Church for participating of the ordinances But also severalls not only of the parochners But other straingers travellers Have been lost with[in] the said water Considering it divydes severall Commone Highwayes Directing travellers from Galloway to Edinburgh Glasgow and other places And in respect of the Late Act of parliament appoynting vaccancies to be Imployed for pious uses within the paroches vaccant and their Majesties being patrones of the forsaid Church which lies vaccant now2 for the mertimes Jaj vjc nyntie one And Having made severall applicationes to the presbytrie of Drumfreis for a visitatione and a representatione to their Lordshipps of the caise of the said water Loss sustained therby And the Conveniency and necessity of building a bridge the[r]upon Att lenth the presbytrie hes given a report in the termes above represented of the said water supplicating their Lordshipps for applying soe much of the saids vaccances of the said church of Dunscore as would build the said bridge as the report and request of the presbytrie produced uith the said petitione in itself proports And the supplicants being Content to find sufficient Cautione to make a just applicatione of what shall be bestoued be their Lordships for building of the said Bridge and to be Comptable to them for the overplus And therfore Humblie Craving their Lordshipps to appoynte the forsaid half year of Jaj vjc nynty one now vaccant to be payed in to them upon Cautione to be applyed for the building of the bridge upon the said water of Cairn as the said petitione Bears The saids Lords of their Majesties privie Councell having considered this petitione given in to them be the Heretors of the paroch of Dunscore with the report of the presbytrie mentioned therin and produced therwith They allow to the petitioners the stipend of the kirk of Dunscore for the last halfe of the cropt and year of God Jaj vjc nyntie one and nominats and appoyntes Gilbert Greirsone of Chappell to be factor for uplifting of the said halfe years stipend which is to be imployed by him for building of a bridge upon the water of Cairne And ordaines him to be readily ansuered obeyed and payed of the said stipend by the Heretors Fewers wodsetters and others lyable in payment of the samen And ordaines Letters of horning at the said Factors instance against them for that effect He producing a decreit of Locality And in case ther be none ordaines these lyable to make payment to him of their respective proportiones of the said half years stipend according as they shall found sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councell That he shall Imploy the said halfe years stipend heirby ordaines to be payed to him upon the building of the said bridge upon the said water of Cairn

At Edinburgh 12 January 1692



Act for the Heretors of Dunscore for stipend

Concerning a petition given in to the lords of their majesties’ privy council by Gilbert Greirson of Chapel and Robert Maxwell of Steilston, for themselves and in name and behalf of the remaining heritors, liferenters and parishioners of the parish of Dunscore within the shire of Nithsdale and presbytery of Drumfries, showing that where by the river of Cairn dividing and lying interjected between the said church and a great part of the parish, the parishioners are not only impeded when there is the least spate of water therein from repairing to the said church for participating of the ordinances, but also several not only of the parishioners but other strangers and travelers have been lost within the said water, considering it divides several common highways directing travelers from Galloway to Edinburgh, Glasgow and other places, and in respect of the late act of parliament appointing vacancies to be employed for pious uses within the parishes vacant, and their majesties being patrons of the foresaid church which lies vacant now for the Martinmas 1691, and having made several applications to the presbytery of Drumfries for a visitation and a representation to their lordships of the cause of the said water loss sustained thereby, and the conveniency and necessity of building a bridge thereupon, at length the presbytery has given a report in the terms above represented of the said water, supplicating their lordships for applying so much of the said vacancies of the said church of Dunscore as would build the said bridge as the report and request of the presbytery produced with the said petition in itself proports. And the supplicants being content to find sufficient caution to make a just application of what shall be bestowed by their lordships for building of the said bridge and to be accountable to them for the overplus, and therefore humbly craving their lordships to appoint the foresaid half year of 1691 now vacant to be paid in to them upon caution to be applied for the building of the bridge upon the said water of Cairn, as the said petition bears. The said lords of their majesties’ privy council having considered this petition given in to them by the heritors of the parish of Dunscore, with the report of the presbytery mentioned therein and produced therewith, they allow to the petitioners the stipend of the kirk of Dunscore for the last half of the crop and year of God 1691 and nominates and appoints Gilbert Greirson of Chapel to be factor for uplifting of the said half year’s stipend which is to be employed by him for building of a bridge upon the water of Cairn, and ordain him to be readily answered, obeyed and paid of the said stipend by the heritors, feuars, wadsetters and others liable in payment of the same, and ordain letters of horning at the said factors instance against them for that effect, he producing a decreet of locality, and in case there be none ordain those liable to make payment to him of their respective proportions of the said half year’s stipend according as they shall found sufficient caution acted in the books of privy council, that he shall employ the said half year’s stipend hereby ordained to be paid to him upon the building of the said bridge upon the said water of Cairn.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 569-70.

2. Insertion.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 569-70.

2. Insertion.