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Editorial Introduction
Historical Introduction
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Judicial Proceeding, 10 December 1700, Edinburgh
2 January 1700
Procedure: Committee Anent Witches in the North Countrey
4 January 1700
Procedure: [Note of Business]
9 January 1700
Letter: royal: Letter from the King For Repriveing of John Frazer of Migavie and Hugh Frazer of Laucloyn
Procedure: The Lord Advocat To Raise a Process against the Heretors of Prestonpans and Tranent
Act: Act For paying in the Pole to the Collectors of the Cess and Supply of the shire of Mid-Lothian
Act: Act Banishing John Burg for Thift
Act: Act In favours of Alexr Maxwell Post-master at Air
Warrant: Warrand Repriving John Frazer of Migavie and Hugh Frazer of Leuchloyn
11 January 1700
Procedure: Committee Anent the Frazers
16 January 1700
Letter: royal: Letter from the King for Adjourning the Parliament
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Anent the Address from the African Company
Order: Recommendation To the Earles of Leven and Annandale and others To acquaint the Councill Generall and Directors of the African Company with the Kings Letter Anent their Address
Proclamation: Proclamation Adjourning the Parliament To the 14th of May next
Procedure: Committy Anent Doctor Pitcairne and Captain Bruce
18 January 1700
Act: Reprive To John McTavish and Hugh Frazer
Act: Act Liberating Doctor Pitcairne and Recommendation To the Lord Advocat To Intent a process against him
Act: Act Liberating Captain Bruce
Act: Act Liberating Silvester Lesly and others
19 January 1700
Warrant: Warrant To Sir Gilbert Eliot To acquaint the Clerk of the African and Indian Company That he acquaint the Directors To attend the Councill anent the Address
23 January 1700
Warrant: Warrand To the Clerks of Councill To give ane Extract of of the order of Councill and of the Kings Letter anent the address from the African Company
25 January 1700
Decreet: Decreit Absolvitor Doctor Pitcairne Against His Majesties Advocat
1 February 1700
Procedure: Commission To Major General George Ramsay To be Commander in Cheiff of the Forces in Scotland
Procedure: Committee Anent The Highland Justiciary, and For Considering a Letter From the Shires of Banff, Aberdeen and Murray to the Lord high Chancellor
4 February 1700
Order: Recommendation To the Lord Provost of Edinburgh to cause pull down a Timber Land
Order: Order To the Commanding officer at the Abbay To cause march in to the Town of Edinburgh Two Hundered men
Order: Recomendation To the Earle of Leven to send down Some Powder For the present Exigence
Order: Order To the Keeper of his Majesties Stores in Edinburgh Castle To deliver To Captain Colt some mattocks and pik axes
8 February 1700
Procedure: [Note of Business]
13 February 1700
Warrant: Warrand To the Sheriff of Fife To apprehend the Laird of Kininmonth
Warrant: Warrand For Interring the Corps of the Countess of Crafurd in the abbay Church
15 February 1700
Act: Act Anent a Fast
16 February 1700
Order: Recomendation To the Lord Advocat To draw a Proclamation anent a fast
20 February 1700
Act: Act of the Generall assembly for a solemn nationall Fast
Act: Proclamation for a solemn nationall fast to be Kept the last Thursday of march next to come
Warrant: Warrand For Interring the Corps of the Countes of Ruglen in the Abbay Church.
Act: Reprive To John McTavish and Hugh Frazer
Act: Act Changing Alexander Govans Sentence from Death To Banishment
27 February 1700
Procedure: [Note of Business]
Order: Recomendation To the Thesaury To pay to William Graham of Boquhaple ane aliment during his Imprisonment
29 February 1700
Act: Act In favours of the Earle of Tullibardine
Warrant: Warrand for Liberating William Graham of Boquhaple and Confineing him to the Town of Kilmarnock
6 March 1700
Warrant: Warrand for Liberating Dr Ocon
Act: Act In favours of the Lady Towie
Act: Act Dischargeing all Heretors in the Parliament Closs To rebuild their Lands there and Committy appointed for that Effect
Act: Act Allowing Brigadier Maitland To Send Twenty men to Inverness
12 March 1700
Procedure: Recommendation To the Lord Advocat To peruse and Transmitt the Frazers process to the King
Warrant: Warrand for Grassing the Forces att Langtoun
12 March 1700 (pm)
Act: Act of Liberation and Protection to the Earle of Seaforth
Act: Act The Laird of McIntosh
Procedure: Recommendation To the Lord Advocat To draw a proclamation upon the articles brought in from the Commity for the Highlands
14 March 1700
Warrant: Warrand Anent the highland Garrisons
Order: Recommendation To Sheriffs Baillies etc To give Concurrance To the Commissioners of the Generall assembly
Order: Recommendation To The Sheriff of Berwick To Shutt up the meeting houses within the parishes of Eymouth Coldinghame and Aytoun
Warrant: Warrand To the Solicitor to Prosecute these lyable for payment of the Tunnage before the Privy Councill
14 March 1700(pm)
Act: Act The Tacksmen of the Pole
Act: Act Andrew Mcdougall Esquire
Procedure: Recommendation To the Lord Advocat Anent the Relict of the late Bishop of Ross
Warrant: Warrant for Transmitting Samuell Hanay to the Baillie of the Regality of Glasgow
15 March 1700
Procedure: [Note of Business]
4 April 1700
Act: Reprive To John McTavish and Hugh Frazer
Decreet: Decreet John Blair agent for the Kirk with Concurse of Sir James Stewart His Majesties Advocat Against Mr John Shaw
4 April 1700 (pm)
Warrant: Warrant To macers To Intimate ane act of privy Councill anent the Brunt-land in the Parliament Closs
7 May 1700
Procedure: [Lauderdale elected Preses]
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Councill for Adjourning the Parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation for Adjourning the Parliament
Letter: royal: Letter from the King for taking off the Duke of Gordons Confynement
Warrant: Warrand Taking off the Duke of Gordons Confynement
Warrant: Warrand To the Lord Advocat To deliver Samuell Hannay to any Flanders officer
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Councill for Repriveing John and Hugh Frazers
Warrant: Warrand For Repriveing John Frazer of Migavie and Hugh Frazer of Leuchloyn
15 May 1700
Order: Order To the magistrats of Edinburgh anent the Parliament Closs, The Kirk doors, and Guard house
18 May 1700
Warrant: Warrant Anent Coach-Houses and Stables To the Lord high Chancelor
21 May 1700
Procedure: The Earles of Erroll Englinton, Strathmore and Findlater, Received Councellors
Procedure: Commission In favours of James Duke of Queensberry To be his Majesties high Commissioner
22 May 1700
Warrant: Warrand For Interring Dame Margaret Cuninghame in the abbay Church
4 June 1700
Warrant: Warrand To the Magistrats of Glasgow Anent [...] Fettsgerard
Procedure: committee formed: Committee Anent Alexander Kellie and Charles Sheriff
6 June 1700
Procedure: Committee Anent Printers and Booksellers
13 June 1700
Act: Act Anent Patersone and Watsone
Warrant: Warrand To the macers of Councill To cite Sir Archbald Mure and Wm Meinzies
17 June 1700
Letter: royal: Letter From the King To the Councill Adjourning the Parliament.
Proclamation: Proclamation Adjourning the Parliament
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to his Commissioner authorizeing and Empowring him to bear that Character during his Majesties pleasure
21 June 1700
Act: Act Anent 145 men to be posted at Severall places in Edinburgh
Warrant: Warrant To the magistrats of Edinburgh anent yesternights Rable
Procedure: Exoneration To the Lord Advocat For liberating Paterson Watson and Kellie
21 June 1700 (pm)
Procedure: The Lords President of Session and Philiphaugh added to the Committee anent the Rable.
Procedure: committee formed: Committee Anent the Rable
22 June 1700
Proclamation: Proclamation Discharging Bonefires and Illuminationes
24 June 1700
Procedure: Committee For Considering the minuts of the Committee of Councill anent the Rable
24 June 1700 (pm)
Warrant: Warrand To Mr Francis Grant and Mr David Forbes To be assistant to the Lord Advocat in prosecuting of any of the Rablers Criminally
Procedure: Recommendation To the Lord Advocat To answer a Letter from Aberdeen anent printing of a Book
25 June 1700
Letter: royal: Letter from the King To the Councill for delivering Two peices of ordinances To the Earle of Argyll
Decreet: Decreet His majesties Advocat Against Hugh Patersone and James Watson
27 June 1700
Procedure: committee formed: Committee Anent the Letter Sent To Brigadier Maitland by Farquharson of Invercald and others
1 July 1700
Procedure: Commission To James Duke of Queensberry To be his Majesties high Commissioner To the Parliament
Letter: royal: Letter from the King To his Commissioners and Councill Adjourning the Parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation Adjourning the Parliament
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Anent the Tumult att Edinburgh
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Anent the Treaty with the Algiers
2 July 1700
Procedure: [Note of Business]
4 July 1700
Procedure: [Note of Business]
5 July 1700
Procedure: [Note of Business]
9 July 1700
Letter: royal: Letter from the King To the Commissioner and Councill acquainting them with his going to Holland
Warrant: Warrand and order anent the Rable Raised against Mr William Chambers minister at Rathven
11 July 1700
Act: Act In favours of the Company Trading to Africa and the Indies
12 July 1700
Proclamation: Proclamation Against a late Resolve Containing an Engadgment as to Forraign Stuffs and Cloaths and certan Forraign Liquors
Decreet: Interloquitor In Favours of the Affrican Company
Act: Act In favours of the Affrican Company
16 July 1700
Procedure: [Note of Business]
18 July 1700
Procedure: Recommendation To the Lord Advocate To Examine persones Anent Breaking The Tolbooth of Mayboll
25 July 1700
Act: Act In favours of the Commissioners of Supply within the Shyre of Edinburgh
Proclamation: Proclamation For apprehending Captaines Gavin Hamilton Kenneth McKenzie and Kenneth Urquhart
Warrant: Warrand To the magistrats of Edinburgh To Cause their Constables Take a Second Reveiw of the lists of lodgers within their Bounds
2 August 1700
Proclamation: Proclamation For a Solemn nationall Fast
Procedure: Causes of a Solemn nationall fast and Humiliation
Warrant: Warrand Refuseing to prorogate Keppochs protection
Warrant: Proclamation For discovering and apprehending Theives House-breakers and Robbers, and their Resetters
Procedure: Committee For Considering the acts Anent Funeralls and penny weddings
6 August 1700
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Commissioner and Councill For Adjourning the Parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation Adjourning the Parliament
Act: Act for publishing His Majesties most gracious Letter
Letter: Letter from the King To his Commissioner and Councill anent the African and Indian Companys Colony in America
Procedure: Recomendation To the Lord Advocat Anent Woolen Manufactory
9 August 1700
Warrant: Warrand To the Macers of Councill To Cite the Magistrats of Edinburgh To Compear before the Councill
Warrant: Recommendation To the Lord Advocat To Liberat prisoners who were present at the Rable
Act: Protection To Coll McDonald of Keppoch
Warrant: Warrant For Six Souldiers and a Corporall to stay with Alexander Veatch
14 August 1700
Commission: Commission for trying and Judgeing Jean Hay alleadged guilty of murdering her own Child
Act: Act Dischargeing The Importation of Cloaths and Stuffs wherin there is any mixture
Act: Act In Favours of the African and Indian Company
Act: Act Liberating Donald McEean vic Allister upon his Finding Caution To Compear when Called for
15 August 1700
Warrant: Warrant Recalling Alexander Veitch his act
Warrant: Warrant Liberating Mr James Innes alias Clerk a preist
Order: Recommendation To the Thesaury for payment to William Graham of Twenty pounds Sterling
Procedure: Recommendation To the Lord Advocate To Enquyre after persones Come from France
Warrant: Warrant Dismissing the Magistrats anent the late Rable
Procedure: committee formed: Committee for Considering publick Occurrences During the Ensuing vaccancie
15 October 1700
Procedure: Patrick Johnston Lord Provost of Edinburgh Receaved a privy Councellor
Letter: royal: Letter from the King for Adjourning the Parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation Adjourning the Parliament
17 October 1700
Procedure: [Note of Business]
22 October 1700
Warrant: Warrant For Inquireing anent Captains Urquharts Late accession to the Rable
Warrant: Warrant For Transporting James Hall to his Majesties plantations in America
Procedure: committee formed: Committee Anent Thomas Anderson and John Davis
Act: Act Allowing a voluntary Contribution through out the Kingdom for Redeeming Skipper Simpson and his Crew in Algeirs
24 October 1700
Procedure: [Note of Business]
1 November 1700
Warrant: Warrand Anent Illuminations In Edinburgh
Order: Recommendation To the Earl of Leven to Cause Fyre the Guns on the Castle and to the Lord Provost of Edinburgh to cause ring the Musick Bells
19 November 1700
Procedure: [Note of Business]
10 December 1700
Act: : Act Liberating Captain Kenneth Urqwhart
Procedure: committee formed: : Committee To visit the prisoners in Edinburgh Tolbooth
Procedure: committee formed: : Committee Anent John Weer
20 December 1700
Act: : Allowance and Consent of Councill, In favours of Captain John Campbell
4 January 1700
Order: [Petition of Sir John Hamiltone]
Procedure: remission: [Petition of Walter Sandilands]
Decreet: Decreet Suspending the Letters Simpliciter [...] Campbell portioner of Edinample Suspensor Against Findlasone Charger and finding the Letters orderly proceeded against James Ogilvie
9 January 1700
Act: Act William Anderson against John Crafurd agent for Roscoby
11 January 1700
Act: Act Gerard Hither Dutch skiper
18 January 1700
Act: Act Newton and Nynwells to gett up their papers from the Clerks
23 January 1700
Decreet: Decreit Suspender James Sinclar Against Donald Gow
Warrant: Warrant for delyvering up to Alexander Gibson ane backbond granted by My Lord Drumcairne to the Countes of Erroll
Act: Act ordaineing Walkinshaw and Andersone to Closse ther probationes
25 January 1700
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent the Glasswork at Leith
Act: Act Anent Archibald Cheisly Sone to Mr William Cheisly wryter
1 February 1700
Warrant: Warrant for allowing George Robertsone to be received a witness in William Andersone his process against Walkinshaw
8 February 1700
Order: Order anent James and Robert Merchants
13 February 1700
Decreet: Interloquitor William Anderson Against Allan Walkinshaw and others
Procedure: suspension: [Suspension passed]
15 February 1700
Warrant: Warrand for Letters of Denunciatione Merchant against Gordon and others
Act: Act Mr John Bell Minister for gett up his bond
20 February 1700
Warrant: Warrand for a Decreet Certificatione Dunlope and Ferguslie Against Baillie Ragg and Kerr
27 February 1700
Procedure: [Approbation of Andrew Crafurd's imprisonment]
Act: Act Ordaineing Mr William Cheisly to pay the Master of the Cannogate Tolbooth for his Sones house dewes
Decreet: Interloquitor William Anderson Against Adam Walkinshaw
29 February 1700
Act: Act Erskine of Pittodrie for the Stipend of Oyne
Act: Act Anent the Glass Manufactory at Leith
Act: Act The Duke of Gordon anent the Castle of Inverness
Act: Act The Magistrats of Pearth
Act: Act James Stirling of Keir
6 March 1700
Act: Act The Countess of Morstein for appending the Sealls to a Birthbreiff
Act: Act Cunninghame of Boquhan and others heritors of Gargonock for a steipend
Act: Act Margaret Nisbet and John Veitch her husband
Act: Act Burnet of Montbodo and his tutor
12 March 1700
Warrant: Warrant for detaining Androw Crafurd prisoner till he find Caution
Decreet: Interloquitor anent William Anderson and Allan Walkinshaw
14 March 1700 (pm)
Act: Act The Magistrats of Pearth Against John Neice in Couper and others
Decreet: Decreit absolvitor Dunlope and others Taxsmen of excyse Against The Magistrats of Aberdeen et e contra
Warrant: Warrand for Allan Walkinshaw To Cite Roscoby and others
Act: Act Duncan Robertson sone to Strowan
4 April 1700
Warrant: Warrant for a Foreloaff to Captain Billinghame
Warrant: Warrant for Briadeer Maitland to repair to Edinburgh
Act: Act Sir John Campbell of Carrick and others
4 April 1700 (pm)
Decreet: Decreit Certificatione Mr John Buchan agent for the Royall Burrowes Against Severall Skippers for breaking the Staple port
Act: Act The Lady Naper
4 June 1700
SederuntAct and Warrant Caruthers Drovers Against Andrew Crafurd merchants in London
Warrant: Warrand for citing persones, and witnesses Walkinshaw against Anderson
13 June 1700
Decreet: Decreit Certificatione John Mun against William Miller and others
Act: Act William Marishall and others for ane Manufactory of pines etc
25 June 1700
Act: Act Mary Montgomry relict of James Drumond Minister for a Steipend
27 June 1700
Decreet: [Earl and Countess of Sutherland Against James White]
Act: Act The Lady Strowan
Act: Act Claud Hamilton of Barnes etc
4 July 1700
Act: Act William Black Clerk of the Regality of Dumfermling
18 July 1700
Decreet: Decreet Suspensione Drumond of Megins Against Stirling of Keir
2 August 1700
Decreet: Decreit Certificatione The Lady Strowan against Duncan Robertson and others
Decreet: Decreet Suspender Strachan of Glenkindie against Gordon of Campdell
Warrant: Warrand for ane Edictiall Citatione Anderson and others against Mcdonald and others
Decreet: Decreit Strachan of Glenkindie against Captain Menzies and others
6 August 1700
Act: Act In Favors of The Lady Naper for getting up a Trunk
Act: Act Reponing James Dunbar against a Certificat
14 August 1700
Act: Act In Favors of Sir Andrew Ramsay anent a Manufactory of Stuffs
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent The Magistrats of Edinburgh
15 August 1700
Act: Act Captain John Slezer
24 September 1700
Order: Act Rutherfoord of Fermingtoune Against Scott
Order: Act Duncan of Strathmartine
15 October 1700
Act: Act Wauchop of Nidrie
Act: Act Provest King and Stewart
24 October 1700
Judicial Proceeding: Decreet Provest Scot Against Provest Simpson
19 November 1700
Act: Act Baillie Innes in Elgine and others
10 December 1700
Judicial Proceeding: Remitt Gordon of Grange against His Brother
Act: Act The Earle of Sutherland against The Viscount of Arbuthnot
Judicial Proceeding: Remitt Dunnet, against Bruce and others