Procedure: remission, 4 January 1700, Edinburgh

Judicial Proceeding, 10 December 1700, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fourth day of January One Thousand Seven hundred years


Procedure: remission

[Petition of Walter Sandilands]

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill be Walters Sandilands sone and heir to William Sandilands of Cowstoune brother German to the late Lord Torpichen Shewing That wher Mary Eastoune mother to the petitioner possesseth and liferenteth the whole estate of Coustoune So that the petitioner tho heir of the family Haveing nothing wherupon to be Sustained albeit it be provyded by act of Parliament Ther should be a necessary provision for sustaintatione of the heir according to the quantity of the heritadge yet such was the unkyndnes of the petitioners mother, That neither from a principle of naturall affection, nor from respect to the Laudable Lawes of the natione would She afford any allowance to the petitioner as a mean of Sustaintatione to him and his family So that the petitioner and his familly must begg unless the saids Lords present remeid And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased In Consideratione of the premisses and according to the saids Lords practise in such cases To modifie to the petitioner such ane aliement as the saids Lords should find Just and necessary according to the Condition of the estate Which is two Thousand merks yearly as the said petitione bears The Lords of his majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered the above petition given in to them be Walter Sandilands eldest sone and heir to William Sandilands of Cowstoune brother german to the late Lord Torpichen with another petitione given in by way of answer therto by Mary Eastoune the said Walters mother Lady Cowstoune, The saids Lords Have Remitted and hereby Remitts the said Walter Sandilands petitioner to pursue for the Aliement Contained in his petitione before the Lords of Councill and Sessione And Recommends to the saids Lords to proceed in and discuss the said process for aliement Summarly without abideing the Course of the roll

Att Edinburgh The Fourth day of January One Thousand Seven hundred years


Procedure: remission

[Petition of Walter Sandilands]

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill be Walters Sandilands sone and heir to William Sandilands of Cowstoune brother German to the late Lord Torpichen Shewing That wher Mary Eastoune mother to the petitioner possesseth and liferenteth the whole estate of Coustoune So that the petitioner tho heir of the family Haveing nothing wherupon to be Sustained albeit it be provyded by act of Parliament Ther should be a necessary provision for sustaintatione of the heir according to the quantity of the heritadge yet such was the unkyndnes of the petitioners mother, That neither from a principle of naturall affection, nor from respect to the Laudable Lawes of the natione would She afford any allowance to the petitioner as a mean of Sustaintatione to him and his family So that the petitioner and his familly must begg unless the saids Lords present remeid And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased In Consideratione of the premisses and according to the saids Lords practise in such cases To modifie to the petitioner such ane aliement as the saids Lords should find Just and necessary according to the Condition of the estate Which is two Thousand merks yearly as the said petitione bears The Lords of his majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered the above petition given in to them be Walter Sandilands eldest sone and heir to William Sandilands of Cowstoune brother german to the late Lord Torpichen with another petitione given in by way of answer therto by Mary Eastoune the said Walters mother Lady Cowstoune, The saids Lords Have Remitted and hereby Remitts the said Walter Sandilands petitioner to pursue for the Aliement Contained in his petitione before the Lords of Councill and Sessione And Recommends to the saids Lords to proceed in and discuss the said process for aliement Summarly without abideing the Course of the roll

1. NRS, PC2/27, 296r-296v.

1. NRS, PC2/27, 296r-296v.