Att Edinburgh The Eleaventh day of February Jaj vjc and Nyntie tuo years
Act Mr John Murdoch for stipend
Anent the petition Given in to the Lords of there Masjesties privie Counsell be Mr John Murdoch Minister of the Gospell at Corssmichaell within the presbitrie of Kirkcudbright Shewing That the petitioner being unanimously called by the heretors and Elders of the said paroch with consent of the presbitrie to be there Minister And accordingly the petitioner by appointment of the presbitry haveing Laboured there in the work of his ministerie since the tuenty tuo day of March last Jaj vjc and Nyntie one years As ane testificat under the hand of the Moderator and Clerk of the said presbitry daited the seventh day of Januarij last produced with the said petition hes testifyed And that it being Just and reasonable the stipend payable to the Ministers serving the Cure there should be Made payable to the petitioner for the said cropt and year Jaj vjc and Nyntie one. And therefor Craveing to the effect underwritten As the said petitione bears The saids Lords of there Majestyes privie Counsell haveing Considered this petition Given in to them be the above Mr John Murdoch minister at Crocemichaell and testificat mentioned therein and produced therewith They Find the petitioner hes right to the stipend of the said kirk for the haill cropt and year Jaj vjc and Nyntie one And ordaines him to be readiely answered obeyed and payed thereof and yearly and termely in tyme comeing dureing his Incumbencie at the said kirk be the heretors fewers Lyfrenters titulars tacksmen of teynds tennents possessors and others Lyable in payment of the said stipend And ordaines Letters of horning to be direct at his Instance Againest them for that effect the termes of payment being first come and by past and that upon production of a decreet of Locality And In case there be none ordaines these Lyable to make payment of there respective proportiones according as the samen shall be decerned be the Judge ordinarie
1. PC1/48, 44.
1. PC1/48, 44.