Act, 14 January 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fourteenth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years



Act Mr James Scott for stipend

Anent a petitione given In to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councell Be Mr James Scott Minister of the Gospell Sheuing That he having served the Cure and preached at the Church of Gallasheills since the year Jaj vjc Eightie tuo att which tyme he was presented therto untill the Sabbath Immediatly preceeding Whitsunday Jaj vjc nyntie att which tyme Mr Robert2 Louis did be vertue of the late Act of parliament enter to the Cure of the said paroch who before he had preached a full quarter of ane year in the said Church mett with so many difficulties in his Ministrie That upon applicatione made by his whole parochners to the presbytrie He was advysed to demitt since which tyme the said church hath still been vaccant And the petitioner Having from a principle of conscience Given all due obedience to the Law and having preached and served the cure at the said church for a full year viz from whitsunday Jaj vjc eighty nyne to whitsunday Jaj vjc nyntie To which years stipend Mr. Thomas Louis hes unquestionably right be the forsaid Act of parliament by his preaching at the said church the Sabboth Immediatly proceeding whitsunday Jaj vjc nyntie And by the want of which years stipend the petitioner is reduced to Greater necessity then he thinks convenient to represent to their Lordships And the said Church Having been vaccant since michaelmes Jaj vjc nyntie and the whole Heretors of the said paroch with the patrone being most willing that the petitioner should be alloued some part of the vaccant stipends both in respect of his loss of the stipend Jaj vjc eightie nyne and of his other most urgent necessities And therfore Humblie Craving to the effect underwryten as the said petitione Bears The saids Lords of their Majesties privy Councell Having Considered this petitione given In to them Be the within Mr James Scott with the patrones consent within wryten and the Charter Instructing him to be patrone produced therwith They heirby allow to the petitioner the stipend of the said kirk of Gallasheills for the haill Cropt and year of God Jaj vjc nyntie one And ordaines Letters of horning at the petitioners instance for that effect He producing a decreit of Locality and in case ther be none ordaines these lyable to make payment to the peitioner of their respective proportiones of the said years stipend according as they shall be decerned by the Judge ordinary

At Edinburgh 14 January 1692



Act to Mr James Scott for stipend

Concerning a petition given in to the lords of their majesties’ privy council by Mr James Scott, minister of the Gospel, showing that he having served the cure and preached at the church of Galashiels since 1682 at which time he was presented thereto until the Sabbath immediately preceding Whitsunday 1690 at which time Mr Thomas Louis did by virtue of the late act of parliament enter to the cure of the said parish who before he had preached a full quarter of a year in the said church met with so many difficulties in his ministry that upon application made by his whole parishioners to the presbytery he was advised to demit since which time the said church has still been vacant, and the petitioner having from a principle of conscience given all due obedience to the law and having preached and served the cure at the said church for a full year, namely from Whitsunday 1689 to Whitsunday 1690 to which years stipend Mr. Thomas Louis has unquestionably right by the foresaid act of parliament by his preaching at the said church the Sabbath immediately proceeding Whitsunday 1690, and by the want of which years stipend the petitioner is reduced to greater necessity then he thinks convenient to represent to their lordships, and the said church having been vacant since Michaelmas 1690 and the whole heritors of the said parish with the patron being most willing that the petitioner should be allowed some part of the vacant stipends, both in respect of his loss of the stipend of 1689 and of his other most urgent necessities, and therefore humbly craving to the effect underwritten as the said petition bears. The said lords of their majesties’ privy council having considered this petition given in to them by the within Mr James Scott with the patrons consent within written and the charter instructing him to be patron produced therewith, they hereby allow to the petitioner the stipend of the said kirk of Galashiels for the whole crop and year of God 1691 and ordain letters of horning at the petitioner’s instance for that effect, he producing a decreet of locality and in case there be none ordain those liable to make payment to the petitioner of their respective proportions of the said year’s stipend according as they shall be decerned by the judge ordinary.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 573-4.

2. Sic.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 573-4.