Att Edinburgh the Fourteint day of Junij Jaj vjc and nyntie tuo years
Act Mr William Kemp for stipend
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of there majestyes privie Councill be Mr William Kemp minister at Ferriepartouncraig Shewing That where in the moneth of Junij Jaj vjc nyntie one The petitioner receaved a Call from the Heretors and Elders of the said paroch to be minister there and accepted the same Likeas upon the seventh day of Jully therefter The presbitry sustained it And also allowed the petitioner to preach in the said kirk from that tyme forementioned But by reason of the previous tryalls used in such cases befor the presbitry And that there dyets of meeting were Less frequent The petitioner wes not actually ordained minister of the said kirk untill the tuelth day of November therefter the said year which falling to be after the Legall termes of Michaellmess and Mertimes hath occasioned some scrouple in the heretors and others Lyable in payment of the stipend to make payment to the petitioner of the forsaid half year and terme thereof unless they be warranted be the saids Lords order to doe the same And sieing that from and efter the forsaid moneth of Junij The petitioner did preach and serve the cure at the said kirk by the allowance forsaid as he hes done since his ordinatione And that in all reasone his ordinatione in a Case so Circumstantiat ought to be drawen back to the date of his call and his accepting and the presbitryes sustaining thereof And therefor Craveing that the saids Lords would be pleased In consideratione of the premises To ordaine the petitioner to be ansuered and obeyed by the heretors and others Lyable in payment of the forsaid half years stipend of the cropt and year of God Jaj vjc and nyntie one specially sieing that the said kirk is of the Kings patronadge and the heretors are willing And that the petitioner hes truely served2 for the same Conforme to a testificat of the presbitrie produced with the said petition. As the samen petition bears The Saids Lords of there majestyes privie Councill haveing considered this petition given in to them be the above Mr William Kemp with the testificat mentioned therein and produced therewith They hereby allow the petitioner the stipend of the said kirk of Ferriepartouncraig for the last half of the cropt and year of God Jaj vjc and nyntie one And ordaines him to be readiely ansuered obeyed and payed thereof be the heretors fewers wodsetters and others Lyable in payment of the samen And ordaines Letters of horning at his instance againest them for that effect He alwayes produceing a decreet to make payment to the petitioner of the said stipend for the said half year according as they shall be decerned be the Judge ordinarie
1. PC1/48, 259-60.
2. The phrase ‘the Cure’ scored out here.
1. PC1/48, 259-60.