Act, 14 September 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Fourteinth day off September Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years



Act Mcdonald of Slate and others

Anent the petitione Given in to the Lords of there majesties privie Councill be Sir Donald Mcdonald of Slate John McLeod of Dunevegan Lauchlan Mcfingan of Strathardell and Alexander McLeod of Rasay Shewing That whereas the states of parliament haveing Imposed the soume of Fourteen shillings scotts for everie hearth within the Kingdome to have been payed at the terme of Candlemes Jaj vjc and nyntie one by the Inhabitants duelling in the said houses where the saids hearths are and haveing by ane other act of the same date Impowered the saids Lords of privie Councill to give such orders for Collecting and Ingathering of the said hearth money as the saids Lords should think fitt, In prosecutione where of2 There Lordships have ordained the heretors of each paroch to give in Lists to Mr James Melvill of Cassengray Collector of all the said hearth money his subcollectors and deputts of all hearths within there bounds And Lykewayes ordained all persones whatsomever Lyable in payment of the said hearth money To make payment of the samen to the said Mr James Melvill and his Subcollectors betuixt and the tenth day of Maij then next Jaj vjc nyntie one with Certificatione That Letters of horning and poynding should be direct at the instance of the said Collector generall his subcollectors and deputts or they should be allowed to quarter upon the saids deficients not exceeding on souldier for each three hearthes which proclamatione and certificationes therein contained The troubles that were then in the countrie did hynder from comeing to the petitioners knowledge And did render it Impossible for them in these Circumstances to give obedience thereto notwithstanding whereoff the subcollectors of the said hearthmoney within the shyre of Innerness without any previous Intimatione Given to the petitioner for giving in the saids Lists Hes directed a pairtie to quarter upon the petitioners and there tennents therefore, whereby the petitioners and there tennents would be extreamly damnifyed befor they can get Lists of the hearths taken up, being at severall places and at great distance one from aneother And haveing hade no Intimatione to make these Lists but from the pairtie that came to quarter therefore And if there Lordships doe not allow some competent tyme to the petitioners to give in the saids Lists And to make payment Conforme thereto The petitioners tennents will be utterly depauperate by these extraordinarie quarterings Especiallie sieing the forsaid pairty does Lykewayes quarter for about tuenty five moneths Cess and besydes the quartering money due therefore does exact distinct quartering money for the said hearth money And not content with single dyett which is only due to them in Law And wes offered by the petitioners They doe exact four shilling per diem for each footman from severall deficients at once from the tyme the quartering wes ordered whereby the petitioners tennents being Exhausted of money are rendered uncapable to make punctuall payment of the said hearthmoney And therefore Craveing that the saids Lords would be pleased to take the premises to there serious Consideratione And to allow some competent tyme to the petitioners to give in to the Collectors the saids Lists of the hearths within there bounds and make payment Conforme thereto And in the mean tyme to be elapsed And to ordaine that whatever soumes have been alreadie exacted by the saids quarterings beyond Four Shilling for each footman singly, or his dyet may be accepted of and allowed by the Collector In pairt of payment of the said publict dues as being Illegally exacted. As the said petitione bears The Saids Lords of there majestyes privie Councill Haveing Considdered this petitione Given Given3 in to them be the said Sir Donald Mcdonald of Slate and others They allow to the petitioners the First day of Januarij next to come for giveing in to the Collector of the Lists of the hearths within there bounds and makeing payment of the hearth money And discharges any quartering to be used for the saids Lists or hearthmoney untill the said day and if any pairties be alreadie quartered upon that accompt They appoint the same Instantly to be removed And allowes the above Collectors to see and ansuer this petitione as to that pairt thereof anent the Illegall exactiones or quarterings betuixt and the first councill day of November next to come

At Edinburgh 14 September 1692



Act for MacDonald of Sleat and others

Concerning the petition given in to the lords of their majesties’ privy council by Sir Donald MacDonald of Sleat, John MacLeod of Dunvegan, Lachlan MacKinnon of Strath and Alexander MacLeod of Raasay, showing that whereas the estates of parliament, having imposed the sum of 14 s. Scots for every hearth within the kingdom to have been paid at the term of Candlemas 1691 by the inhabitants dwelling in the said houses where the said hearths are, and having by an other act of the same date empowered the said lords of privy council to give such orders for collecting and ingathering of the said hearth money as the said lords should think fit, in prosecution whereof their lordships have ordained the heritors of each parish to give in lists to Mr James Melville of Cassingray, collector of all the said hearth money, his subcollectors and deputes, of all hearths within their bounds, and likewise ordained all persons liable in payment of the said hearth money To make payment of the same to the said Mr James Melville and his subcollectors before 10 May 1691, with certification that letters of horning and poinding should be directed at the instance of the said collector general, his subcollectors and deputes or they should be allowed to quarter upon the said deficients not exceeding one soldier for each three hearths, which proclamation and certifications therein contained, the troubles that were then in the country did hinder from coming to the petitioners’ knowledge and did render it impossible for them in these circumstances to give obedience thereto, notwithstanding whereof the subcollectors of the said hearth money within the shire of Inverness without any previous intimation given to the petitioner for giving in the said lists has directed a party to quarter upon the petitioners and their tenants therefor, whereby the petitioners and their tenants would be extremely damnified before they can get lists of the hearths taken up, being at several places and at great distance one from each other, and having hade no intimation to make these lists but from the party that came to quarter therefor. And if their lordships doe not allow some competent time to the petitioners to give in the said lists and to make payment according thereto, the petitioners’ tenants will be utterly impoverished by these extraordinary quarterings, especially seeing the foresaid party also quarters for about 25 months’ cess, and besides the quartering money due therefor does exact distinct quartering money for the said hearth money, and not content with single diet which is only due to them in law and was offered by the petitioners, they exact 4 s. per day for each footman from several deficients at once from the time the quartering was ordered, whereby the petitioners’ tenants being exhausted of money are rendered incapable to make punctual payment of the said hearth money. And therefore craving that the said lords would be pleased to take the premises to their serious consideration and allow some competent time to the petitioners to give in to the collectors the said lists of the hearths within their bounds and make payment accordingly and in the mean time to be elapsed, and to ordain that whatever sums have been already exacted by the said quarterings beyond 4 s. for each footman, or his diet may be accepted of and allowed by the collector in part payment of the said public dues as being illegally exacted, as the said petition bears. The said lords of their majesties’ privy council, having considered this petition given in to them by the said Sir Donald MacDonald of Sleat and others, they allow to the petitioners the first day of January next for giving in to the collector of the lists of the hearths within their bounds and making payment of the hearth money, and they discharge any quartering to be used for the said lists or hearth money until the said day and if any parties are already quartered upon that account, they appoint the same instantly to be removed, and they allow the above collectors to see and answer this petition as to that part thereof concerning the illegal exactions or quarterings before the first council day of November next to come.

1. PC1/48, 401-3.

2. The word ‘yet’ **scored out here.**

3. Sic.

1. PC1/48, 401-3.