Att Edinburgh the sixteinth day of Februarij Jaj vjc Nyntie tuo years
Act Heretors of Moniegaff for stipend
Anent the petitione Given in to the Lords of there Majestyes privie Counsell be Patrick Murdoch of Cumlodden Shewing That the Manse and kirk of Moniegaff through the Long vacancie thereof being Ruinous The presbitry of Wigton having Called workmen to visite and report what will repair the samen They Find that the Manse will Requyre Ane Thousand Merks and the kirk Four Hundreth for its reparation And besydes this there are three bridges within the said paroch viz Palnewar upon the high way from England to Ireland which is fallen and severall persones since throw want thereof drouned and many others with difficulty escaped And the bridge upon Minock and Polkill which are upon the high wayes for the shyre of Air and all Northward to the shirreffdome and stewartrie of Galloway which are Lykewayes become ruinous wherefor the heretors of the said paroch of Moniegaff understand that the reparationes of the Manse does affect the stipend dureing the vacancie And that by act of parliament the Remanent thereof is to be having for pious uses within the paroch have Impowered the petitioner to apply to the saids Lords for the stipend of the said paroch the years Jaj vjc Eighty Nyne and Jaj vjc and Nyntie which are vacant for repairing of the said manse, Kirk and three bridges And therefore Craveing in Name of the saids heretors of the forsaid paroch to the effect underwreitten As the said petitione bears The saids Lords of there Majestyes privie Counsell having considered this petition Given in to them be the above Patrick Murdoch of Cumlodden with the haill wreitts produced therewith They hereby allow to2 the petitioner and Remanent heretors of the paroch of Moniegaff the stipend of the said kirk of Moniegaff for the haill Cropts and years of God Jaj vjc and Eightie Nyne and Jaj vjc and Nyntie years And that for Repairing of the said kirk and Manse of Moniegaff and bridges of Polnewar Minock and Polkill And Nominates and Appoints the said Patrick Murdoch of Cumlodden to be factor for uplifting of the saids tuo years stipends And ordaines him to be readiely ansuered obeyed and payed thereof be the heretors fewers wodsetters and others Lyable in payment of the samen for the saids tuo years And ordaines Letters of horning at the said factors Instance againest them for that effect He produceing adecreet of Locality And in case there be none ordaines these Lyable To make payment of there respective proportiones of the said stipend for the saids tuo years according as they shall be decerned be the Judge ordinarie Inrespect the said factor hes found sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privie Counsell That he shall Imploy the forsaid tuo years stipend hereby ordained to be uplifted by him upon the Repairing of the said kirk and Manse and the bridges of Polnewar Minock and Polkill
1. PC1/48, 50-51.
2. The word ‘to’ has been inserted above the line.
1. PC1/48, 50-51.