Att Edinburgh the sixteinth day of Februarij Jaj vjc Nyntie tuo years
Act Leivetenant Brisban Banishing Archibald Baird to be a souldier
Anent the petitione Given in to the Lords of there Majestyes privie Counsell be William Brisban Leivetennent to Captain Mcilbains Company in Sir Robert Douglas his Regiment Shewing That where Alexander Hume shirreff deput of Renfrew and Bailzie deput of the Regality of Paisley having lately apprehended and Imprisoned on Archibald Baird (who fled from Ireland to this Kingdome at the beginning of the late Rebellione) for breakeing in upon a Countrie house within the said Jurisdictione and stealling away some money, which afterwards wes restored He wes persued therefor befor the said Judge And by verdict of the Inqueist wes found guilty of the said Cryme But the said shirreff deput being Convinced that both the probatione adduced againest him wes scrimp And that his extream proverty hade been a great temptatione to him to Comitt the said cryme As also being a proper young man fitt for service And finding him both willing and foreward to goe over to Flanders to fight in there Majestyes service againest the French He hath hither to delayed to pronounce sentence againest him And therefor Craveing to the effect underwreitten as the said petitione bears The saids Lords of there Majestyes privie Counsell having considered this petitione Given in to the be the above Leivetennent Brisban They hereby Banish the above Archibald Baird furth of this Kingdome And discharges him to returne ever within the same without there majestyes or the Counsells speceall warrand And ordaines the said Alexander Hume to delyver the said Archibald Baird to the petitioner to be by him transported to Flanders for there majestyes service there
1. PC1/48, 55-6.
1. PC1/48, 55-6.