Att Edinburgh the second day of August Jaj vjc nynty tuo years Ante meridiem
Act ordaining news Letters to be revised
The Lords of there majestyes privie Councill being Informed that at the post office and the Coffie houses and several Inn’s and drinking cellars within this City and suburbs thereof There are news Letters everyday exposed to publict view, In some of which there are false and Lyeing tydeings tending to the disturbance of the publict peace and disquyeting the mynds of there majestyes Good subjects Doe therefor perremptorly prohibite and discharge the maisters of the post office and there servants The maisters keepers and servants of Coffiehouses, maisters of Inn’s and Cellars and there servants and all others whatsomever to make use of, or expose to view any news Letters in tyme coming untill first these Letters be brought to the Clerks of Councill and be revised by one of them and any one of the Lords of Councill And the Letters be marked on the back be the saids Clerks as the persones forsaid will be ansuerable upon there highest perrill And recomends to there majestyes sollicitor to cause the macers of Councill make Intimatione hereof at the post offices Coffiehouses Inn’s and cellars forsaids
1. PC1/48, 348.
1. PC1/48, 348.