Att Edinburgh the Tuenty First Day off Apryll Jaj vjc Nyntie tuo years
Liberatione Leivetenant James Murray
Anent the petitione Given in to the Lords of there majestyes privie Councill Shewing That where the petitioner haveing Continowed under Imprisonement and Confynement now for the space of thretty Four moneths in the Castle and tolbooth of Edinburgh till of Late, that the petitioner obtained Liberty to goe abroad with a Centinell upon sufficient cautione to returne to the Castle at night Which Long restraint hath been very greivous and troublesome many wayes Being thereby rendered uncapable to follow any Imployment and so reduced to straitts and difficultyes which may tend to the petitioners ruine If a remedie be not provyded And being resolved in all tyme comeing to Live quyetly and peaceably under the present government As the petitioner hes hitherto done since the petitioner hade his enlargement by the saids Lords there favour And therefore humbly Craveing that the saids Lords would be pleased to allow the petitioner his absolute Liberty and freedome and to discharge any further Confynement or restraint Being willing to find Cautione to Live peaceably and to returne when called for As the said petitione bears The saids Lords of there Majestyes privie Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Leivetennent Murray They hereby allow the petitioner to be at Liberty to goe abroad about his effairs under the guard of a single foot souldier without Confynement to any particular house or place In respect the petitioner hes granted bond and Found Cautione acted in the books of privie Councill that he shall Live peaceably and with all submission to the present government under there Majesties King William and Queen Mary And that he shall not act consult or contryve any thing in prejudice thereof nor converse or Correspond with rebells And that he shall appear befor the Lords of Councill when called for under the penalty of Ane Hundreth pounds sterling Contained in his former bond And Recomends to Sir James Leslie Comander in cheiff for the tyme etc to appoint a foot souldier to attend and be a guaird upon the petitioner and that without the petitioners expenses And that he hes2 fund cautione to returne to his confynement at Edinburgh as appointed by former act of Councill betuixt and the first thursday of Julij next under the forsaid penalty And upon granting of this bond allowed the petitioners former bond to be given up.
1. PC1/48, 146-7.
2. Insertion above the line.
1. PC1/48, 146-7.