Att Edinburgh The Tuentie second day off March Jaj vjc and Nyntie tuo years
Act of exoneration In favours of Henrie Fletcher as governour of the Bass2
Forasmuch as Sir Patrick Murray of Saltcoatts generall receaver of there Majestyes Croun rents and one of there privie Councill did produce befor the Lords of Councill the Commission granted be there majestyes In favours of Henrie Fletcher Nominateing him Captain and Governour of the Isle of the Bass daited the tenth day of Julij Jaj vjc Eightie Nyne years And did Represent to there Lordships that he hade receaved the same from Mr Fletcher who desyred the said Commission to be taken off his hands And that he might be exonered and declared free of the office and trust given and Committed to him thereby and of the Comand of the garisone of souldiers Lyeing in Castletoun who are a pairt of these who served his Majesty in the Bass The Lords of Councill appointed there Clerks to receave in the said Commissione which accordingly they did And the saids Lords doe hereby receave up from the hands of the said Henrie Fletcher the said Comission and exoner and declare him free of the office charge and trust given and Comitted to him be there majesties in the said Commissione contained and of any Comand or charge of the said garisone and souldiers Lyeing in Castletoun
1. PC1/48, 111-12.
2. An ‘X’ appears in the margin, probably an early twentieth-century editorial mark.
1. PC1/48, 111-12.