Act, 23 March 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Twentie thrid day of March Jaj vjc nyntie tuo



Act Major Wishart

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties Privy Councill be Major George Wishart Shewing That quher the petitioner being posted in the shyre of Ross with the Comand of the Lord Strathnavers regiment to which he was major in the latter end of the year Jaj vjc nyntie, And at that tyme receiveing no pay nor subsistance for the said Regiment, And being unwilling to molest or opress the countrey for quarters He did agree for and receive from the heritors of the said shyre one Hundred bolls of oat meall therby for the use of the said regiment, and gave his obligationes and recepts for the same, In which it is particullarly mentioned that the said meall was furnished for the use of the said Regiment And albeit by the saids Lords severall proclamationes have ordained that all such accompts and instructiones for provosions furnished to the forces should be given in to the saids Lords that satisfaction might be made of the same with certificatione if any faillied that such debts should be reckoned as satisfied, yet some of the saids heritors doe continue to trouble and mollest the petitioner and pursue him for payment of the said meall, And In Regaird the saids Lords has received no payment as yet of any part of his arreirs ther being above Eight hundred punds sterling due to him besydes the arreirs due to him for his present company And that by the accompts given in of the debts due by the forces to the Countrey It appeared that any thing the said Regiments are due wher they lay in quarters tho they all received equall pay and subsistance The petitioner and the rest of the officers of the said Regiment haveing allwayes taken great care to have the said Regiment subsisted on their oun privat credit that the said countrey might not be burdeined therwith And Therefore humbly Craveing the saids Lords to order payment to the saids heritors of the shyre of Ross or to their Chamberlands or tennants from whom the said meall was received of the soume of six hundred punds scots being the pryce quhich was agreed for the said hundred bolls of meall Conforme to the severall proclamationes Issued out by the saids Lords for satisfieing such debs which shall be allowed off the said Regiments arreirs, or at least untill the accompts and instructiones for the said meall be considered and payed The saids Lords would in the mean tyme Discharge any legall procedur or dilligence against the petitioner for the pryce of the said meall or any part therof at the instance of the forsaids persones or any haveing right from them, And to Recomend to the Lords of sessione in caice of any charges given to the petitioner for the pryce of the said meall to pass Suspensione in the petitioners favors without Cautione or Consignatione as the petitione bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this Petition given in to them be the above Major Wishart, They heirby Recommend to the Lords of Councill and session to pass suspensiones in favors of the petitioner of any charges given or to be given to him for payment of the pryve of the meal furnished to the Lord Strathnavers regiment in maner abovementioned, And that without Cautione or Consignation;

Edinburgh the Twentie thrid day of March Jaj vjc nyntie tuo



Act Major Wishart

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties Privy Councill be Major George Wishart Shewing That quher the petitioner being posted in the shyre of Ross with the Comand of the Lord Strathnavers regiment to which he was major in the latter end of the year Jaj vjc nyntie, And at that tyme receiveing no pay nor subsistance for the said Regiment, And being unwilling to molest or opress the countrey for quarters He did agree for and receive from the heritors of the said shyre one Hundred bolls of oat meall therby for the use of the said regiment, and gave his obligationes and recepts for the same, In which it is particullarly mentioned that the said meall was furnished for the use of the said Regiment And albeit by the saids Lords severall proclamationes have ordained that all such accompts and instructiones for provosions furnished to the forces should be given in to the saids Lords that satisfaction might be made of the same with certificatione if any faillied that such debts should be reckoned as satisfied, yet some of the saids heritors doe continue to trouble and mollest the petitioner and pursue him for payment of the said meall, And In Regaird the saids Lords has received no payment as yet of any part of his arreirs ther being above Eight hundred punds sterling due to him besydes the arreirs due to him for his present company And that by the accompts given in of the debts due by the forces to the Countrey It appeared that any thing the said Regiments are due wher they lay in quarters tho they all received equall pay and subsistance The petitioner and the rest of the officers of the said Regiment haveing allwayes taken great care to have the said Regiment subsisted on their oun privat credit that the said countrey might not be burdeined therwith And Therefore humbly Craveing the saids Lords to order payment to the saids heritors of the shyre of Ross or to their Chamberlands or tennants from whom the said meall was received of the soume of six hundred punds scots being the pryce quhich was agreed for the said hundred bolls of meall Conforme to the severall proclamationes Issued out by the saids Lords for satisfieing such debs which shall be allowed off the said Regiments arreirs, or at least untill the accompts and instructiones for the said meall be considered and payed The saids Lords would in the mean tyme Discharge any legall procedur or dilligence against the petitioner for the pryce of the said meall or any part therof at the instance of the forsaids persones or any haveing right from them, And to Recomend to the Lords of sessione in caice of any charges given to the petitioner for the pryce of the said meall to pass Suspensione in the petitioners favors without Cautione or Consignatione as the petitione bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this Petition given in to them be the above Major Wishart, They heirby Recommend to the Lords of Councill and session to pass suspensiones in favors of the petitioner of any charges given or to be given to him for payment of the pryve of the meal furnished to the Lord Strathnavers regiment in maner abovementioned, And that without Cautione or Consignation;

1. NRS, PC2/24, 42r-42v.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 42r-42v.