Act, 4 February 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Fourth day of Februarij Jaj vjc and Nyntie tuo years



Act Mr William Guillan for stipend

Anent the petition Given in to the Lords of there Majestyes privie Counsell be Mr William Gullan preacher of the Gospell Shewing That where the petitioner served in the ministery in the meeting house of the paroch of Coldinghame for the pariochiners of Coldinghame, Eyemouth and Ayttoun with the desyre and at the Invitation of the people of the saids pariochines And Continowed there till the deprivation of Mr Alexander Douglas Later Incumbent at Coldinghame Since which tyme the petitioner at the appointment of the presbitrie of Chirnsyde and with consent and at the desyre of the said people hath supplyed the vancie and preached In the said Church, which wes alreadie made known to there Lordships in Julij last At which tyme There Lordships granted to the petitioner the half of the stipend Jaj vjc and Eightie Nyne and Nyntie of the said paroch of Coldinghame And the petitioner being Informed that upon a supplication to there Lordships by Mr Alexander Douglas Late Incumbent at Coldinghame and Mr James Lautie late Incumbent at Chirnsyde misrepresenting to the Lords as if the forsaid paroches were still vacant and not supplyed by any other Minister There Lordships have been pleased to grant the stipend of Coldinghame for the year Jaj vjc and Nyntie one, to the said Mr Alexander Douglas And the stipend of Eyemouth to the said Mr James Lautie for the said year which albeit it hath proceeded upon a misrepresentation as said is Yet the petitioner being unwilling to stryve he Chooses rather that there Lordships should make up his dissappointment by some other assignement And sieing he hath really served at the said kirks the year Jaj vjc and Nyntie And that the stipend of the2 kirk of Mairtine a kirk of there Majestyes patronadge is vaiking for the said year And therefor Craveing that there Lordships would take the premisses to there Consideration and to recompense the Loss the petitioner hath sustained by there saids tuo gifts and to satisfie him for his said Labours To ordaine him to have the vacand stipend of the said kirk of Mairtine the said year Jaj vjc and Nyntie one years And to be ansuered thereof by the persones Lyable in payment And the Letters may be direct at his instance therefor If there be a decreet of Locality or otherwayes that the persones may be decerned via ordinaria The Saids Lords of there majestyes privie Counsell haveing Considered this petition Given in to them be the within Mr William Gullan They hereby allow to the petitioner the stipend of the said kirk of Mairtine the last half of the Cropt and year of God Jaj vjc and Nyntie one And ordaines him to be readiely ansuered obeyed and payed thereof be the heretors fewers wodsetters Lyfrenters fermers titulars tacksmen of teynds tennents possessers and others Lyable in payment of the said stipend for the said half year And ordaines Letters of horning to be direct hereon at the petitioners Instance againest them for that effect He produceing a decreet of Locality And in case there be non ordaines the heretors and others forsaids Lyable in payment of the said stipend To make payment thereof to the petitioner for the said half year as they shall be decerned be the Judge ordinarie

At Edinburgh 4 February 1692



Act Mr William Guillan for stipend

Concerning the petition given in to the lords of their majesties’ privy council by Mr William Gullan, preacher of the gospel, showing that where the petitioner served in the ministry in the meeting house of the parish of Coldingham for the parishioners of Coldingham, Eyemouth, and Ayton with the desire and at the invitation of the people of the said parishes, and continued there till the deprivation of Mr Alexander Douglas, later incumbent at Coldingham. Since which time the petitioner at the appointment of the presbytery of Chirnside and with consent and at the desire of the said people has supplied the vacancy and preached in the said church, which was already made known to their lordships in July last, at which time their lordships granted to the petitioner the half of the stipend 1689 and 1690 of the said parish of Coldingham, and the petitioner being informed that upon a supplication to their lordships by Mr Alexander Douglas, late incumbent at Coldingham, and Mr James Lautie, late incumbent at Chirnside, misrepresenting to the lords as if the foresaid parishes were still vacant and not supplied by any other minister, there lordships have been pleased to grant the stipend of Coldingham for the year 1691 to the said Mr Alexander Douglas, and the stipend of Eyemouth to the said Mr James Lautie for the said year, which albeit it hath proceeded upon a misrepresentation as said is, yet the petitioner being unwilling to strive he chooses rather that their lordships should make up his disappointment by some other assignment. And seeing he hath really served at the said kirks the year 1690 And that the stipend of the kirk of Martin, a kirk of their Majesties’ patronage is vacant for the said year, and therefore craving that their lordships would take the premisses to their consideration and to recompense the loss the petitioner has sustained by their said two gifts and to satisfy him for his said labours to ordain him to have the vacant stipend of the said kirk of Martin the said year 1691, and to be answered thereof by the persons liable in payment, and the letters may be direct at his instance therefore if there be a decreet of locality or otherwise that the persons may be decerned via ordinaria. The said lords of their majesties’ privy council having considered this petition given in to them by the within Mr William Gullan, they hereby allow to the petitioner the stipend of the said kirk of Martin the last half of the crop and year of God 1691, and ordain him to be readily answered, obeyed, and paid thereof by the heritors, feuers, wadsetters, liferenters, fermers, titulars, tacksmen of teinds, tenants, possessors, and others liable in payment of the said stipend for the said half year. And ordain letters of horning to be directed hereon at the petitioner’s instance against them for that effect, he producing a decreet of locality. And in case there be none, ordain the heritors and others foresaid liable in payment of the said stipend to make payment thereof to the petitioner for the said half year as they shall be discerned be the judge ordinary.

1. PC1/48, 13-14.

2. The word ‘said’ is scored out here.

1. PC1/48, 13-14.

2. The word ‘said’ is scored out here.