Att Edinburgh the Eight day of December Jaj vjc and nyntie tuo years
Protection Cuningham of Robertland
Anent the petitione Given in to the Lords of there majesties privie Councill be David Cuninghame of Robertland Shewing That where as the petitioner is cited to appear befor the saids Lords at the Instance of James Hay wreitter in Irving to ansuer for ane pretended ryot alleadged to be Comitted by the petitioner againest him Its Humbly represented to the saids Lords that the petitioner doeth Lye under severall diligences of Captione for civill debt and Cautionries wherein he stands Engadged for Sir Alexander Cuninghame of Corshill So that the petitioner Cannot give obedience to the saids Letters without the saids Lords be pleased to grant him personall protectione Likeas the day of the petitioners Compearance befor the saids Lords be vertue of the forsaid citatione is upon the eighth of this instant As they appeared to the saids Lords by a double of the Lybell produced with the said petitione Which wes not delyvered to the petitioner at least came not to his hands or to his knowledge before the third Instant So that the petitioner hade not sufficient tyme to Consult Lawyers and to make his ansuer to the said Complaint Especially the distance of the place where he Lives And therefore Craveing to the effect underwreitten As the said petitione bears The Lords of there majesties privie Councill Haveing considered the above petitione Given in to them be David Cuninghame of Robertland They hereby Grant personall protection to the petitioner till the sixteenth day of december current Inclusive and discharges all Macers Messengers at armes officers of burghes and other ministers of the Law within this Kingdome to putt any Captiones or acts of warding to executione againest the petitioner dureing the said tyme Except for there Majesties rents and revenues allenarly sic subscribitur Tweeddale cancel: Melvill Privy Seall Linlithgow Breadalbane Stair Beilhaven Frances Montgomerie William Lockhart Patrick Murray
1. PC1/48, 479
1. PC1/48, 479