Act, 9 February 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Nynth day of Februarij Jaj vjc and Nyntie tuo years



Act Heretors of Collace for stipend

Anent the pettion Given in to the Lords of there Majestyes privie Counsell be Thomas Nairne of Kirkhill and Mr Robert Andersone minister at Pearth sole heretors of the paroch of Cullace Shewing That where the petitioners are Informed that Mr George Mcgruther who wes depryved by the Counsell for his disaffectednes to the government hes putt in a bill to there Lordships for a gift of the wholl stipend of Cullace for cropt and year Jaj vjc and Nyntie one, Notwithstanding that the said Thomas Nairne of Kirkhill hes from the Lords of Thesurie ane gift of the said stipend of Cullace for the half of the year Jaj vjc Nyntie one for building of ane new kirk in the said paroch And hes found George Monteath merchand in Edinburgh Cautioner for his performance of the samen And would have sought the other half for that use If it hade been then fallen due, And wes therein preferred to Cassengray Generall Collector of these stipends And so he haveing such a right to the stipend for the half of the year Jaj vjc Nyntie one as the Lords of Theasurie know and can testifie The said Mr Mcgruther can nowayes Clame the samen And Lykewayes In respect that by act of parliament The vacant stipends are to repair and uphold the manse And that the Manse of the said paroch is verie ruinous And that ther wes never a schooll house in the said paroch in there ages And that there is a great necessitie to have such houses built for the Interest of the paroch and young ones educatione therein Therefor the petitioners humbly crave the other half of the stipend Jaj vjc and Nyntie one years of the said paroch of Cullace which is but tuo Chalders of victuall or thereby for Repairing the Manse and upholding A schooll and schollars to be given the petitioners And they shall find Cautione for the said work and what else it may cost more And therefor craveing2 to the effect underwreatten As the said petitione bears The saids Lords of there Majestyes privie Cousell haveing Considered this petitione Given in to them be the above Thomas Nairne of Kirkhill and Mr Robert Andersone Minister at Perth with the other petitione mentioned therein Given in for the above Mr George Mcgruther They refuse the desyre of the said Mr Mcgruthers petitione And allowes the above stipend of Cullace for the Last half of the Cropt and year of God Jaj vjc and Nyntie one years To be Imployed for repairing the Manse of the said kirk of Cullace and building a schooll and schooll house within the said paroch And nominates and Appoints the said Thomas Nairne of Kirkhill to be factor for uplifting of the said half years Stipend And ordaines him to be readiely ansuered obeyed and payed thereof be the heretors fewers Lyfrenters titulars tacksmen of teynds tennents possessors and others Lyable in payment of the samen And ordaines Letters of horning to be direct at his instance Againest them for that effect upon production of a decreet of Locality And in case there be non Ordaines these Lyable To make payment of there respective proportiones according as they shall be decerned be the Judge ordinary In respect the said factor hes found sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privie Counsell That he shall Imploy the said half years stipend upon repairing of the manse of Cullace And building a schooll and schooll house within the said paroch

At Edinburgh 9 February 1692



Act heritors of Collace for stipend

Concerning the petition given in to the lords of their majesties’ privy council by Thomas Nairne of Kirkhill and Mr Robert Andersone, minister at Perth, sole heritors of the parish of Collace, showing that where the petitioners are informed that Mr George McGruther, who was deprived by the council for his disaffectedness to the government, has put in a bill to their lordships for a gift of the whole stipend of Callace for crop and year 1691, notwithstanding that the said Thomas Nairne of Kirkhill has from the lords of treasury a gift of the said stipend of Collace for the half of the year 1691 for building of a new kirk in the said parish, and has found George Monteath, merchant in Edinburgh cautioner for his performance of the same, and would have sought the other half for that use if it had been then fallen due, and was therein preferred to [James Melville of] Cassengray, general collector of these stipends, and so he having such a right to the stipend for the half of the year 1691, as the lords of treasury know and can testify, the said Mr McGruther can nowise claim the same. And likewise in respect that by act of parliament the vacant stipends are to repair and uphold the manse and that the manse of the said parish is very ruinous, and that there was never a school house in the said parish in these ages, and that there is a great necessity to have such houses built for the interest of the parish and young ones’ education therein, therefor the petitioners humbly crave the other half of the stipend 1691 of the said parish of Collace, which is but two chalders of victual or thereby, for repairing the manse and upholding a school and scholars, to be given the petitioners, and they shall find caution for the said work and what else it may cost more and therefore craving to the effect underwritten as the said petition bears. The said lords of their majesties’ privy council having considered this petition given in to them by the above Thomas Nairne of Kirkhill and Mr Robert Andersone, minister at Perth, with the other petition mentioned therein given in for the above Mr George McGruther, they refuse the desire of the said Mr McGruther’s petition, and allow the above stipend of Collace for the last half of the crop and year of God 1691 to be employed for repairing the manse of the said kirk of Collace and building a school and school house within the said parish, and nominate and appoint the said Thomas Nairne of Kirkhill to be factor for uplifting of the said half year’s stipend, and ordain him to be readily answered, obeyed, and paid thereof by the heritors, feuers, liferenters, titulars, tacksmen of teinds, tenants, possessors, and others liable in payment of the same. And ordain letters of horning to be directed at his instance against them for that effect upon production of a decreet of locality. And in case there be none, ordain those liable to make payment of their respective proportions according as they shall be discerned by the judge ordinary, in respect the said factor has found sufficient caution acted in the books of privy council that he shall employ the said half year’s stipend upon repairing of the manse of Collace and building a school and school house within the said parish.

1. PC1/48, 28-9.

2. The word ‘craveing’ has been inserted above the line.

1. PC1/48, 28-9.

2. The word ‘craveing’ has been inserted above the line.