Commission to the Council, 19 January 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The nynteenth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years


Commission to the Council

Commissione To George Weir to be a macer of privie Councell and Exchequer

A Commissione Be his Majestie under the privie Seall to George Ueir To Be ane of the Macers of Councell and Exchequer during his Liftyme Redd and ordained to be recorded And the said George being called in Did suear and signe the oath of alleadgance to their Majesties King Uilliam and Queen Marie and signed the Certificat appoynted by Act of Parliament and gave his oath de fedelis Folloues the Commissione
William and Mary By the Grace of God King and Queen of Great Brittane France and Ireland Defenders of the Faith To the Lords of our secret Councell Exchequer and Commissions and to all and sundrie our Leidges and subjects whom it effects To whose knouledge these presents shall Come Greeting Forasmuch as Ue Considering That Having Granted a former gift In the year Jaj vjc eightie nyne to George Weir To be ane ordinarie Macer In manner aftermentioned we have therby had sufficient experience of his Loyaltie fidelity and other good qualificationes for the said office Therfore uitt ye us (with advyce and Consent of our Right trustie and Right well beloved Cousins and Councellors William Earle of Craufurd John Earle of Cassillis John Earle of Tueeddale David Lord Ruthven And our Right trustie Cousine and Councellor Alexander Lord Raith our Thesaurer Depute Commissioners of our Thesaurie Comptrollerie and Thesaurie of our New Augmentationes within this our antient Kingdome of Scotland And also with advyce and Consent of the Remanent Lords and others of our Exchequer our Commissioners) To have nominat made and Constitut and appoynted Lykeas we be these presents with advyce and Consent forsaid of new nominat make constitut and appoynte the said George Weir to be ane of the ordinar Macers before the Lords of our Secret Councell Exchequer and Commissiones and a serjant at armes And that during all the dayes of his Lifetyme Giving Granting and disponing to the said George Weir the forsaid offices with all fees profeits duties Casualities and priviledges whatsomever therunto belonging and specially the Fee and sallary of Fiftie pounds sterline yearly as the Fee and sallarie of one of the said ordinary macers to be payed him yearly and termely by the saids Lords Commissioners of our Thesaurie or our Thesaurer for the tyme wherunto they are heirby authorized uith Full pouer to the said George Weir to use and exerce the saids offices and to uplift and receave the duties Fees profeits and Casualities therof during the spaces forsaids alse amply and freely In all respects and Conditiones as any others his predecessors macers as aforsaid used and exercised or might have used and exerced the said offices in any tyme bygone And we with advyce and Consent forsaid Doe Heirby Command the saids Lords of our secret Councell Exchequer and Commissiones for the tyme being To oune and receave the said George Weir in the saids offices as being already and heirby againe provyded therunto In manner abovewryten And to authorize him with your testimoniall of admissione therunto In due and Competent forme as effeirs Given under our privie seall att our Courte at Kensingtoune the fifteenth day of December Jaj vjc nyntie one years and of our Reigne the third year Per Signaturam Manu S: D: N: Regis suprascriptam manubusque2 Commissionariorum Thesaurarii et Scaccarii Dicti Regni Scotiae Wryten to the Privie Seall and Registrat the sixteenth of January Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years sic subscribitur H Douglass gratis sealled att Edinburgh the Eighteenth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years sic subscribitur H: Douglas gratis

At Edinburgh 19 January 1692


Commission to the Council

Commission to George Weir to be a macer of privy council and exchequer

A commission by his majesty under the privy seal to George weir to be one of the macers of council and exchequer during his lifetime read and ordained to be recorded and the said George being called in did swear and sign the oath of allegiance to their majesties King William and Queen Mary and signed the certificate appointed by act of parliament and gave his oath de fidelis. Follows the commission:

William and Mary, by the grace of God, King and Queen of Great Britain, France and Ireland, defenders of the faith, to the lords of our secret council, exchequer and commissions and to all and sundry our lieges and subjects whom it effects to whose knowledge these presents shall come, greeting. Forasmuch as we considering that having granted a former gift in the year 1689 to George Weir to be an ordinary macer in manner after mentioned, we have thereby had sufficient experience of his loyalty, fidelity and other good qualifications for the said office, therefore we (with advice and consent of our right trusty and right well beloved cousins and councilors William, earl of Crawford, John, earl of Cassillis, John, earl of Tweeddale, David Lord Ruthven, and our right trusty cousin and councilor Alexander Lord Raith, our treasurer depute, commissioners of our treasury, comptrollery and treasury of our new augmentations within this our ancient kingdom of Scotland, and also with advice and consent of the remaining lords and others of our exchequer our commissioners) have nominated, made and constituted and appointed likewise we by these presents with advice and consent foresaid of new nominate, make, constitute and appoint the said George Weir to be one of the ordinary macers before the lords of our secret council, exchequer and commissions and a sergeant at arms, and that during all the days of his lifetime giving, granting and disponing to the said George Weir the foresaid offices, with all fees, profits, duties, casualties and privileges whatsoever thereunto belonging, and especially the fee and salary of fifty pounds sterling yearly as the fee and salary of one of the said ordinary macers to be paid him yearly and termly by the said lords commissioners of our treasury or our treasury for the time, whereunto they are hereby authorised with full power to the said George Weir to use and exercise the said offices and to uplift and receive the duties, fees, profits and casualties thereof during the spaces foresaid as amply and freely in all respects and conditions as any others his predecessors macers as aforesaid used and exercised or might have used and exercised the said offices in any time bygone. And we with advice and consent foresaid do hereby command the said lords of our secret council, exchequer and commissions for the time being to own and receive the said George Weir in the said offices as being already and hereby again provided thereunto in manner above written, and to authorise him with your testimonial of admission thereunto in due and competent form as appropriate. Given under our privy seal at our court at Kensington, 15 December 1691, and of our reign the third year. By the sign manual of our supreme lord the king above written and the hands of the commissioners of the treasurer and exchequer of the said kingdom of Scotland. Written to the privy seal and registered 16 January 1692, signed thus H Douglass, gratis, sealed at Edinburgh 18 January 1692, signed thus H. Douglas, gratis.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 578-9.

2. Sic*.* *Recte* manibusque.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 578-9.

2. Sic*.* *Recte* manibusque.