Letter: royal, 25 February 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Tuentie Fyfth Day of Februarij Jaj vjc Nyntie tuo years


Letter: royal

Kings Letter Anent William Irving

Sic Suprascribitur William Rex
Right Trustie and Right well beloved Cousin and Counseller, Right trustie and Intirely beloved Cousigne and Counsellor, Right trustie and right well beloved Cousines and Councellors Right Trustie and well beloved Cousignes and Counsellors Right trustie and right well beloved Counsellors, Right trustie and well beloved Counsellors and trustie and well beloved Councellours, wee Greet yow well whereas there hath been application made to us for one William Martine Condemned as airt and pairt of the Slaughter of James Pattoun to whom yow hade formerly given a repryve till such tyme as wee should be Informed And as wee are most desyrous that the Law may take place, and sentences may be duely executed againest murderers So where persones Innocently or accidentally may be Involved and fall under the severity of Law wee are readie by our favour and Remissione to releive such as are not really guilty And to that end wee have thought fitt to Remitt this matter Concerning the said William Martine to yow aither to order the sentence to be putt to executione or (If yow see that the Case desserves mercie) That yow send up a Remission to be signed by us And in the mean tyme wee doe authorize yow to grant a repryve to the said William Martine till such tyme as yow see cause or his remission may be expeded For which this shall be your warrand And so wee bid you heartily farewell Given at our Court at Kensingtoun the tuentieth day of Februarij Jaj vjc and Nyntie one/two years And of our reigne the third year By his Majesties Command sic subscribitur John Dalrymple

At Edinburgh 25 February 1692


Letter: royal

King’s letter concerning William Irving

Sic Suprascribitur William Rex
Right trusty and right well-beloved cousin and counsellor, right trusty and entirely beloved cousin and counsellor, right trusty and right well-beloved cousins and councillors, right trusty and well-beloved cousins and counsellors, right trusty and right well-beloved counsellors, right trusty and well-beloved counsellors, and trusty and well-beloved councillors, we greet yow well. Whereas there has been application made to us for one William Martin, condemned as art and part of the slaughter of James Patton to whom you had formerly given a reprieve till such time as we should be informed. And as we are most desirous that the law may take place, and sentences may be duly executed against murderers, so where persons innocently or accidentally may be involved and fall under the severity of law we are ready by our favour and remission to relieve such as are not really guilty. And to that end we have thought fit to remit this matter concerning the said William Martine to you, either to order the sentence to be put to execution or (if you see that the case deserves mercy) that you send up a remission to be signed by us. And in the meantime we doe authorise you to grant a reprieve to the said William Martin till such time as you see cause or his remission may be expeded. For which this shall be your warrant. And so we bid you heartily farewell. Given at our court at Kensington 20 February 1692, and of our reign the third year by his majesties’ command sic subscribitur John Dalrymple.

1. PC1/48, 77-8.

1. PC1/48, 77-8.