Letter: to the council, 10 December 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Tenth day of December Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years At my Lord Chancelors Lodging


Letter: to the council

Letter from the Master of Stair to the Lord Chancellor anent the election of the magistrats of Edinburgh

The Following Letter from the Maister of Stair secretarie of state to the Lord High Chancellour daited the sixth Instant2 anent the magistrats of Edinburgh which Came this day betuixt tuelve hourse in the forenoon and one in the afternoon by a fleeing pacquett being read wes ordered to be recorded whereof the tenor followes My Lord I ame Commanded by His majestie to signifie his pleasure to your Lordship That in the process or Complaint raised by some of the Inhabitants of Edinburgh for Annulling the Late electione in that citie, The privie Councill does represent the state of that case to his majesties before they proceed to any determination therein and In case there be any sentence alreadie is past befor this comes to hand That the privie Councill stopt a new electione of magistrats till they represent the matter For His Majestie doeth consider that a right choise of magistrats there, substantious sober well affected persones is of great Importance to his service, the publict good and the privat Interest of that burgh In the mean tyme your Lordship will take care that the want of these Magistrats doe not prejudge the security of the publict peace This is (by Command) from My Lord Your Lordships most Humble servant sic subscribitur John Dalrymple

At Edinburgh 10 December 1692 at the lord chancellor’s lodging


Letter: to the council

Letter from the master of Stair to the lord chancellor concerning the election of the magistrates of Edinburgh

The following letter from the master of Stair, secretary of state, to the lord high chancellor dated the sixth instant concerning the magistrates of Edinburgh, which came this day between 12 hours in the forenoon and one in the afternoon by a flying packet, being read was ordered to be recorded, whereof the tenor follows: My Lord, I am commanded by his majesty to signify his pleasure to your lordship that in the process or complaint raised by some of the inhabitants of Edinburgh for annulling the recent election in that city, the privy council represents the state of that case to his majesty before they proceed to any determination therein, and in case there be any sentence already is passed before this comes to hand, that the privy council stop a new election of magistrates till they represent the matter, for his majesty considers that a right choice of magistrates there, substantial, sober, well-affected persons, is of great importance to his service, the public good and the private interest of that burgh. In the mean time your lordship will take care that the want of these magistrates does not prejudge the security of the public peace. This is (by command) from my lord, your lordship’s most humble servant. Subscribed John Dalrymple.

1. PC1/48, 503.

2. The phrase ‘daited the sixth Instant’ was inserted above the line.

1. PC1/48, 503.

2. The phrase ‘daited the sixth Instant’ was inserted above the line.