Order, 13 October 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Thretteint Day off October Jaj vjc nynty tuo years



Recomendation Mr Lewis Dick

Anent the petitione Given in to the Lords of there majesties privie Councill be Mr Lewis Dick Shewing That whereas the petitioner is Incarcerat within the tolbooth of Edinburgh at the Instance of some of his creditors and is there detained not haveing the Least subsistance aither for himself or familie of young children And that throw the want of his Just and undoubted right of property upon the Lands of the Orknay wherein he stands Infeft and Confirmed under the Kings Great Seall And ratifyed by the Late King Charles his order for payment since the annexatione thereof to the croune Bot these three years bygone He Cannot have ane sixpence So that both he and his Children are reduced to the greatest extremity And now at this tyme By the Loss of his Liberty (the only mean under God whereby the Lyves of his Children are preserved) both he and they will shortly perish Except Remedie be provyded And therefore Craveing that the saids Lords would be pleased In Compassion to the petitioners conditione and to the perishing state of his young Infants would in this singular Case applye ane singular remedie And ordaine his Creditors At whose Instance he is Incarcerate aither to aliment him or sett him at Liberty Sieing he hath not the Least subsistance By want of his propertie now in the Kings possessione or otherwayes In Justice and Compassione to his conditione That there Lordships as representing the King in Scotland would cause him to get some of his oune Conforme to his right of property And severall orders from King Charles as aforsaid That so ane Gentleman (whose Grandfather Sir William Dick did chearfully expend his wholl opulent fortune for propagatione of religion and good of his countrey without any acknowledgement as yet) may not be forced to starve within the walls of ane prisone As the said petitione bears The Saids Lords of there Majesties privie Councill haveing heard this petition given in to them be the above Mr Lewis Dick They recomend to there majesties sollicitor to Informe himself how His majestie is debitor to the petitioner And in how much And report to the Lords of theasurie in november next And appoints the said petitioner to apply to the saids Lords at that tyme

At Edinburgh 13 October 1692



Recommendation for Mr Lewis Dick

Concerning the petition given in to the lords of their majesties’ privy council by Mr Lewis Dick showing that whereas the petitioner is incarcerated within the tolbooth of Edinburgh at the instance of some of his creditors and is there detained not having the least subsistence either for himself or family of young children, and that through the want of his just and undoubted right of property upon the lands of the Orkney wherein he stands infeft and confirmed under the king’s great seal, and ratified by the late King Charles, his order for payment since the annexation thereof to the crown, but these three years bygone he cannot have one sixpence, so that both he and his children are reduced to the greatest extremity, and now at this time by the loss of his liberty (the only means under God whereby the lives of his children are preserved) both he and they will shortly perish except remedy be provided, and therefore craving that the said lords would be pleased in compassion to the petitioner’s condition and to the perishing state of his young infants would in this singular case apply a singular remedy and ordain his creditors at whose instance he is incarcerated either to aliment him or set him at liberty seeing he has not the least subsistence by want of his property now in the King’s possession or otherwise in justice and compassion to his condition that their lordships as representing the king in Scotland, would cause him to get some of his own conforming to his right of property And several orders from King Charles as aforesaid that so a gentleman (whose grandfather Sir William Dick did cheerfully expend his whole opulent fortune for propagation of religion and good of his country without any acknowledgement as yet) may not be forced to starve within the walls of a prison qs the said petition bears. The said lords of their majesties’ privy council having heard this petition given in to them by the above Mr Lewis Dick they recommend to their majesties’ solicitor to inform himself how his majesty is debitor to the petitioner, and in how much and report to the lords of treasury in November next, and appoints the said petitioner to apply to the said lords at that time.

1. PC1/48, 424-5.

1. PC1/48, 424-5.