Order, 14 September 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Fourteinth day off September Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years



Recomendatione to the sollicitor for Intimateing at Kirk doores2 the proclamationes anent beggars and hearth money

The Lords of there Majesties privie Councill doe hereby recomed to Sir William Lockhart there Majesties sollicitor That with all expeditione he wreitt Letters and dispatch the same to the shirreffs principal of all the shyres within this Kingdome or there deputts Signifyeing its the Councills pleasure That Imediatly upon recept of these Letters They cause Intimate the proclamatione of the Councill anent beggars of the date the Eleaventh day of August Last at the doores of the Kirks and meeting houses in each paroch in the shyres upon a sunday Imediatly after diveyne service And that the saids shirreffs there deputs or Clerks acquant the persones within there respective shyres particularlie nominate and Comissionat in the Late proclamation of Councill of the date the tuelth day of August Last anent the hearthmoney To meet upon the days to be Condescended on in the Sollicitors Letters and to proceed and give obedience to the said proclamatione in everie thing as is requyred thereby In respect the day appoynted by the proclamatione for there meeting is alreadie elapsed and they have not yet mett.

At Edinburgh 14 September 1692



Recommendation to the solicitor for intimating at kirk doors the proclamations concerning beggars and hearth money

The lords of their majesties’ privy council hereby recommed to Sir William Lockhart their majesties’ solicitor that with all expedition he write letters and dispatch the same to the sheriffs principal of all the shires within this kingdom or their deputes, signifying it is the council’s pleasure that immediately upon receipt of these letters they intimate the proclamation of the council concerning beggars of 11 August last at the doors of the kirks and meeting houses in each parish in the shires on a Sunday immediately after divine service, and that the said sheriffs, their deputes or clerks acquaint the persons within their respective shires particularly nominated and commissioned in the late proclamation of council of 12 August last concerning the hearth money to meet upon the days to be indicated in the solicitor’s letters and to proceed and give obedience to the said proclamation in every thing as is required thereby, in respect that the day appointed by the proclamation for their meeting is already elapsed and they have not yet met.

1. PC1/48, 401.

2. The word ‘doores’ is inserted above an illegible, scored out word.

1. PC1/48, 401.