Order, 16 February 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the sixteinth day of February Jaj vjc nyntie two years



Order anent John Coach as a diserting souldier

The Lords of their majesties Privy Councill being informed by Sir Robert Sinclair of Stivensone of their oun number, That Livetenent Ker had seized upon John Coach sone to William Coach weaver as a Diserter from the Regiment some tyme under the Command of the Lord Dumbartone and has Committed him prisoner in the Tolbooth of Musleburgh, albeit the said John Coach has a Discharge from […] Hamilton Livetennent to the deceast Captaine Patrick Ogilvies Companie to Which the said John Did belong Discharging him from that Companie In Respect he hade received a suficient man for him Which Discharge the said Sir Robert Produced in Councill The saids Lords allowes the said Livetennent Kerr to see the said Discharge and to propon his objectiones if he have any against the same, and in the mean tyme Discharges the bailles of Muslburgh or keepr of their Tolbooth to deliver the said John Coach to the said Livetennant Kerr or sufer him to come furth of the said Tolbooth without the speciall order of the Councill for that effect.

Edinburgh the sixteinth day of February Jaj vjc nyntie two years



Order anent John Coach as a diserting souldier

The Lords of their majesties Privy Councill being informed by Sir Robert Sinclair of Stivensone of their oun number, That Livetenent Ker had seized upon John Coach sone to William Coach weaver as a Diserter from the Regiment some tyme under the Command of the Lord Dumbartone and has Committed him prisoner in the Tolbooth of Musleburgh, albeit the said John Coach has a Discharge from […] Hamilton Livetennent to the deceast Captaine Patrick Ogilvies Companie to Which the said John Did belong Discharging him from that Companie In Respect he hade received a suficient man for him Which Discharge the said Sir Robert Produced in Councill The saids Lords allowes the said Livetennent Kerr to see the said Discharge and to propon his objectiones if he have any against the same, and in the mean tyme Discharges the bailles of Muslburgh or keepr of their Tolbooth to deliver the said John Coach to the said Livetennant Kerr or sufer him to come furth of the said Tolbooth without the speciall order of the Councill for that effect.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 25v.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 25v.