Att Edinburgh the Tuenty sixt Day off Apryll Jaj vjc and Nyntie tuo years
Recomendation to the Theasurie for provisiones to the Castle of Edinburgh and Buyeing pouder and Leed
The Lords of there Majestyes privie Councill doe hereby recomend to the Lords Commissioners of there Majestyes theasurie To cause speedily provyde sufficient provisiones of victualls to the Garisone in the Castle of Edinburgh which may serve them for the space of six moneths to come And Lykewayes to cause buy up from George Clerk Merchand in Edinburgh at easie rate as they can, the pouder belonging to him And which wes Imported by him by publict order As also to cause buy up such quantityes of great and small shott, as they think necessary and can find out
1. PC1/48, 153.
1. PC1/48, 153.