Edinburgh the Twentie sixth day of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie two years
Recomendatione to the thesaurie The Commissioners of Supply of Berwick shyre
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be the Justice of peace and Commissioners of Supply in the shyre of Berwick Shewing That the Watters of Whititer and Blaikiter being both great watters and frequently unpassible even upon horse back, Haveing the tounes of Berwick Coldinghame and Eymouth upon the east syde to which places the inhabitants of the shyre carie their cornes to be Imbarqued, And from which they and the tounes of Duns Coldstream Kelso and the burgh of Lauder upon the west syde which are the Cheif marcats in this Countrey and also the burgh of Jedburgh, And a great port of Teviotdale are furnished with timber for their building ane with Iron Tarr and many Other Commodities of merchandize, And that the only bridge upon Whittiter of two large Arches and the bridg at Fogo upon Blaickitter are so farr Decayed that if they shall be another winter unrepaired they will Certainly fall doune and ruine to the great prejudice not only of the tounes abovementioned But of the wholl inhabitants of this and the nighbouring shyre, And Considering that the saids Lords have appointed the bridge of Ayton upon the Watter of Eye to be repaired out of the vaccand stipends of the parish of Ayton And that ther can be no more piouse use wherupon to Imploy the vaccant stipends of this shyre, And quherin the wholl parishes therof are so much concerned then the repairing of the said two bridges over Whittiter and Blaickiter, And that by the opinion of workmen Which they hade taken the doeing therof would amount to a Considerable soume viz betwixt five and six Thousand merks, And seing as they are informed that the saids Lords had gifted the vaccand stipends of the parishes of Duns, Coldinghame, Fogo, Lauder and Eymouth to certaine ministers for the year Jaj vjc nyntie one And that these parishes and the parish of Hutton are still vaccant, And not very like to be seen plainted and a call at their majesties presentation, And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would grant them for repairing of the saids two bridges the stipends of the saids two parishes of Duns Coldinghame, Fogo Lauder and Eymouth for the year Jaj vjc nyntie two And of the parish of Hutton for the year Jaj vjc nyntie one and Jaj vjc nyntie two with the burden of the mans which is in decay at least of such of them as come not to be plainted before Micheallmiss nixt to be called for uplifted and Imployed for the use aforsaid by the Lord Polwarth shireff of the shyre And to grant letters against those Lyable in payment for in bringing of the same as the said Petition bears. The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing heard this petitione given in to them be the above Commissioners of Supply within the shyre of Berwick They Recomend To the Lords Commissioners of their Majesties thesaurie to grant the desyre of the said petition.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 80v-81r.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 80v-81r.