Order, 7 May 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the seventh day off maij Jaj vjc Nyntie tuo years



Order to search for the Earle of Sieforth

The Lord High Chancellour acquanted the Boord that the Earle of Sieforth who is under baill befor the Councill and wes putt under Centinells yesternight at his oune house hes made his escape And that his Lordship hes given orders to the proveist of Edinburgh to Cause shutt the ports of that Citie and make search for the said Earle And also hes recomended to Sir Thomas Livingstoun to cause make search for the said Earle in the Canongate, And Sir Thomas Livingstoun being present at the boord The Councill recomended to him to send expresses to the Queensferrie and Leith And make Inquirie If any boat or boats have passed at aither of these places this last night or this morning And If he find that any boat hes passed there wherein the Earle of Sieforth may be That Imediatly he send a sufficient2 Number of the next adjacent troops to persue the Earle to Aberdeen And If they can find him to bring him prisoner to Edinburgh

At Edinburgh 7 May 1692



Order to search for the earl of Seaforth

The lord high chancellor informed the board that [Kenneth MacKenzie], earl of Seaforth, who is under bail before the council and was put under guard last night at his own house, has made his escape, and that his lordship has given orders to the provost of Edinburgh to shut the ports of that city and make a search for the said earl, and also has recommended to Sir Thomas Livingston to make a search for the said earl in the Canongate, and Sir Thomas Livingston being present at the board, the council recommended to him to send expresses to South Queensferry and Leith and make enquiry if any boat or boats passed at either of those places last night or this morning, and if he find that any boat has passed there wherein the earl of Seaforth may be, that he should immediately send a sufficient number of the next adjacent troops to pursue the earl to Aberdeen, and if they can find him to bring him as a prisoner to Edinburgh.

1. PC1/48, 170.

2. An illegible word scored out here.

1. PC1/48, 170.