Att Edinburgh the seventh day off maij Jaj vjc Nyntie tuo years
Order to registrat the Earle of Sieforth and his Cautioners bond
The Lords of there majestyes privie Councill doe hereby ordaine the bond granted be Kenneth Earle of Sieforth as principall and Sir Coline Campbell of Aberuchill one of the senators of the Colledge of Justice and Mr Roderick Mckenzie of prestounhall as Cautioners for the Earles peaceable behaviour and appearance befor the Councill when called for And not to goe ten Myles from the toun of Edinburgh under the penalty of Tuo Thousand pounds sterling to be registrat And the Cautioners Charged And also the principall (If he can be found) To make payment to Sir Patrick Murray of Saltcoatts Collector of there Majestyes Croun rents of the penaltie in the bond In respect the Earle hes failzied in observing the termes and obleidgements of the said bond
1. PC1/48, 171.
1. PC1/48, 171.