Order, 8 May 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Eight day of Maij Jaj vjc Nyntie tuo years



Order to Captain Roop not to saill till there majesties pleasure be knowen

The Lords of there Majestyes privie Councill Considering that the present Conditione of there Majestyes service within this Kingdome doeth requyre the three regiments of the English establishment should be detained within the samen till furder order And haveing directed there Comands to Sir Thomas Livingstoun Comander in cheiff etc for that effect Doe therefore requyre and Comand yow Captain Anthonie Roope Comander of there majestyes man of warr Called the Sheirness and Comondoer to remaine in the road of Leith untill there majestyes pleasure be further knowen whether the saids regiments are to saill or be disimbarked and remained in this Kingdome or not And for which ane express is to be dispatched

At Edinburgh 8 May 1692



Order to Captain Roop not to sail until their majesties’ pleasure is known

The lords of their majesties’ privy council, considering that the present condition of their majesties’ service within this kingdom requires that the three regiments of the English establishment should be detained within the same till further orders, and having directed their commands to Sir Thomas Livingston, commander in chief etc, for that effect therefore require and command you Captain Anthony Roop, commander of their majesties’ man of war called the Sheerness and Commondoer to remain in the road of Leith until their majesties’ pleasure is further known whether the said regiments are to sail or be disembarked and remain in this kingdom or not, and for which an express is to be dispatched.

1. PC1/48, 175.

1. PC1/48, 175.