Procedure, 12 August 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Tuelth Day off August Jaj vjc and nyntie tuo years



Magistrats of Edinburgh Called anent ministers

The Magistrats of Edinburgh being called for and requyred to give ane accompt of what ministers within there bounds prayed not for there majesties King William and Queen Mary as King and Queen of this Realme And if any prayed for the Late King James They made ansuer that they hade called a great many ministers who are said to preach in meeting houses or private places and examined them And of such as did Compear some said They preached none since they were outted most of them, that they preached none since the tuenty eight day of Apryll Last And a few of them said That they observed the fast prayed for King William and Queen Mary and the success of there armes And that tuelve of these ministers some of whom keeps publict meetings in Edinburgh have been severall tymes cited But never yet Compeared befor them The Councill appoynted the magistrats of take further tryall in this matter And if they find any ministers who pray not for there Majesties King William and Queen Mary That they suffer them not to preach And that they give in particular report of there diligence herein to the Lords of privie Councill at there first meeting in september next And appointed the Magistrats to take particular care that the proclamatione anent beggars receave punctuall obedience within there bounds

At Edinburgh 12 August 1692



Magistrates of Edinburgh called concerning ministers

The magistrates of Edinburgh being called for and required to give an account of what ministers within their bounds prayed not for their majesties King William and Queen Mary as king and queen of this realm, and if any prayed for the late King James, they made answer that they had called a great many ministers who are said to preach in meeting houses or private places and examined them, and of such as did compear, some said they preached none since they were outed, most of them that they preached none since 28 April last, and a few of them said that they observed the fast prayed for King William and Queen Mary and the success of their arms, and that twelve of these ministers, some of whom keep public meetings in Edinburgh, have been several times cited but never yet compeared before them. The council appointed the magistrates to take further trial in this matter, and if they find any ministers who pray not for their majesties King William and Queen Mary, that they suffer them not to preach, and that they give in particular report of their diligence herein to the lords of privy council at their first meeting in September next. And appointed the magistrates to take particular care that the proclamation concerning beggars receive punctual obedience within their bounds.

1. PC1/48, 381-2.

1. PC1/48, 381-2.