Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day off March Jaj vjc and Nyntie tuo years
Comittee To draw tuo draughts of Letters anent sea men
The Lords of there Majestyes privie Councill Doe hereby Recomend to the Lord Viscount Stair […] Enstruther of that ilk ane of the senators of the Colledge of Justice and Sir Patrick Murray of Saltoats or any tuo of them to meet this afternoon and Consider the Lists of sea men and fisher men sent in to the Clerks of privie Councill from the severall burghs of this Kingdome and other places within the same And to prepare the draught of a Letter from the Councill to these burghes who have sent in Lists of seamen and have therein offered as volunteers such a number as will extend to or exceed the fourth pairt of the seamen and fishermen in there bounds Returneing them the Councills thanks And appointing them to send in these and what moe volunteers they can, to Leith to be shipped for the fleet Royall and assureing them of Fourty Shillings sterling of Levie money for each volunteer and of sufficient provisiones to these volunteers upon the way from there homes to Leith, And also a draught of ane other Letter to these burghes and places, who have aither sent in no Lists, or who have not with these Lists returned the names of alse many volunteers as extends to the Fourth pairt of the haill seamen and fisher men within there bounds Comanding them to fix upon by Lott and secure the Fourth persone of all seamen and fisher men in there bounds And to send them under a sufficient guaird to Leith And promiseing Fourty shillings sterling of Levie money for each persone so secured and sent, And appoints these persones to be sixteen years of age at Least, and not above sixtie years at most And that no sick nor Infirme persones be amongst these to be sent in, Bot that such be Compted off and remaine amongst the other three pairts who are to stay at home
1. PC1/48, 107.
1. PC1/48, 107.