Procedure, 16 May 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the sixteint day off May Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years



Captains of fenciblemen in Haddingtoun shyre named be the Comissioners of supplie

Sir Robert Sinclair of Steivinstoun Shirreff principall of the shyre of Haddingtoun acquanted the Councill That upon Frydday last he mett with the Comissioners of supplie in the said shyre And they have named the Captains of the severall Companies of fencible men in the said shyre Conforme to a List which he shall give in to the Clerks of Councill And that they will name the Leivetennents of these Companyes at there next meeting And shall give in that List also to the Clerks And that severall Gentlemen in that shyre who were not by any publict office obleidged to take the oath of alleadgeance and signe assureance have voluntarly sworne the said oath and signed the assureance

At Edinburgh 16 May 1692



Captains of fencible men in Haddingtonshire named by the commissioners of supply

Sir Robert Sinclair of Stevenson, sheriff principal of the shire of Haddington, informed the council that upon Friday last he met with the commissioners of supply in the said shire and they have named the captains of the various companies of fencible men in the said shire according to a list which he shall give in to the clerks of council, and that they will name the lieutenants of those companies at their next meeting, and shall also give in that list to the clerks, and that several gentlemen in that shire who were not by any public office obliged to take the oath of allegiance and sign the assurance have voluntarily sworn the said oath and signed the assurance.

1. PC1/48, 198.

1. PC1/48, 198.