Att Edinburgh The Tuentie second day off March Jaj vjc and Nyntie tuo years
The Lords Hattoun and Enstruther added to the Comittee anent the Bass
The Lords of there Majestyes privie Councill haveing by there former warrand of the date the Fyfteenth day of March instant Recommend to the Earle of Lothian Lord Polwarth and Sir John Lauder of Fountainhall of the senators of the Colledge of Justice or any tuo of them To meet with Sir James Leslie Commander in cheiff for the tyme of there Majestyes forces within this kingdome And to Consider what course is to be taken for secureing the vessells passing up and doun the Firth against the Injuries which they may sustain from the rebells in the Bass And Lykewayes what measures are to be followed for stopteing provisiones from being carryed in to the Bass for the future The saids Lords of Councill doe hereby add Sir John Lauder of Hattoun and Sir […] Enstruther of that ilk tuo of the senators of the Colledge of Justice to be of the forsaid comittee And Continows the quorum as formerly And the said Sir james Leslie being called in to the Councill wes advertised to attend the comittee this day at fouracloak in the afternoon And the Lord Chancellor declared that he would be present with them And Recomends to the said comittee To Enquyre at Sir James If he knows of any particular port to which Major Generalls Buchan and Cannane and those who are to goe alongst with them are to be transported And whether the same be in Flanders or France And what is the name of the port And Recomends to the said comittee to speak with Sir James anent the souldiers now Lyeing in garisone at Castletoun who are apairt of these who served there Majesties in the Bass and how these souldiers are to be2 disposed of and who shall be appointed to Comand them In respect that Henrie Fletcher who Comanded these souldiers Hes given up his Comission as Governour of the Bass and is exonered thereof and of the charge of thir souldiers
1. PC1/48, 110-11.
2. The ‘b’ here corrected over a ‘d’.
1. PC1/48, 110-11.