Procedure, 26 July 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Tuenty sixth day of Jullij Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years



Approbation of the presbitryes of Edinburgh makeing use of their Jus devolutum in calling a minister to South Leith

The2 Comittee3 of there majestyes privie Councill to whom It wes Remitted to meet with some of the ministers of the presbitry of Edinburgh and to acquant them That it wes the Councills Inclinatione That the presbitrie should make sure of there Jus devolutum In setleing a first minister at the Kirk of South Leith That so the Competitione upon the tuo different calls to Mr Wishart and Mr Gray might be removed Haveing reported that severall ministers from the presbitry did attend the Lords of the Comittee And acquanted them that the presbitry were resolved Conforme to the Councills Inclinatione to make use of there Jus devolutum in this case The saids Lords of there majestyes privie Councill doe hereby declare there satisfactione with the resolutione of the presbitrie And there being a petitione given in to the Lords of privie Councill this day being the minister elders and Cessioners of South Leith who subscrybed the call to Mr Gray Craveing they might be declared the only Lawfull sessione of the said kirk The Councill Laid the same asyde and declared to be Lett fall.

At Edinburgh 26 July 1692



Approbation of the presbyteries of Edinburgh making use of their Jus devolutum2 in calling a minister to South Leith

The committee of their majesties’ privy council to whom it was remitted to meet with some of the ministers of the presbytery of Edinburgh and to acquaint them that it was the council’s inclination that the presbytery should make sure of their Jus devolutum in settling a first minister at the kirk of South Leith that so the competition upon the two different calls to Mr Wishart and Mr Gray might be removed, having reported that several ministers from the presbytery did attend the lords of the committee and acquainted them that the presbytery were resolved, conforming to the council’s inclination, to make use of their Jus devolutum in this case, the said lords of their majesties’ privy council do hereby declare their satisfaction with the resolution of the presbytery, and there being a petition given in to the lords of privy council this day being the minister, elders and cessioners of South Leith who subscribed the call to Mr Gray craving they might be declared the only lawful session of the said kirk, the council laid the same aside and declared to be let fall.

1. PC1/48, 337.

2. The word ‘Lords’ deleted here.

3. Inserted above main line of text.

1. PC1/48, 337.

2. Simply ‘devolved right’