Procedure, 7 July 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Seventh day of Jullij Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years



Secretary Johnstoun receaved a Counsellor

James Johnstoun Esqr Secretarie of state for this Kingdome and one of there majestyes privie Councill of the same Conforme to the Late Comission of Councill being called in Did swear and signe the oath of alleadgeance and signed the assureance to there majestyes appointed be act of parliament And that both as secretarie of state and as a privie Councillour And the Lord high Chancellour haveing administrat to him the oath de fideli He took his place at the Councill boord as a privie Councillour

At Edinburgh 7 July 1692



Secretary [James] Johnston received as a Councillor

James Johnston esquire, secretary of state for this kingdom and one of their majesties’ privy council of the same, conforming to the late commission of council, being called in did swear and sign the oath of allegiance and signed the assurance to their majesties appointed by act of parliament, and that both as secretary of state and as a privy councillor, and the lord high chancellor having administered to him the oath de fideli, he took his place at the council board as a privy councillor.

1. PC1/48, 309.

1. PC1/48, 309.