Procedure: petition, 13 December 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Thretteinth day off December Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years


Procedure: petition

Petitione anent a ryot and murder Comitted at Burghtoun be Ensigne Campbell

The Lords of there Majesties privie Councill haveing Considered a petitione Given in to them be Thomas Fisher present Theasurer to Herriotts Hospitall for himself and in name and behalf of the remanent heretors and Inhabitants within the barronie and regality of burghtoun belonging to the said Hospitall and other Heretors and Inhabitants2 adjacent thereto, Compleaning of a ryott Comitted be […] Campbell Ensigne in D’Offerrells regiment upon the Inhabitants And the Lord High Chancellour haveing acquanted there Lordships That he hes Given order for apprehending the said Ensigne The Saids Lords doe hereby appoynt a proclamation to be drawen and published for seizing the said Ensigne Campbell wherever he may be apprehended And Inhibiteing any persone to harbor or conceall him And nominates and appoints the Lord Hattoun and Sir William Lockhart there majesties sollicitor a Comittee to examine the petitioners with power to sett them at Liberty If they shall find cause And Recomends to the Said Sir William Lockhart to examine […] Sutherland a souldier Lyeing wounded in Coldtoun of His wounds which he received at Burghtoun yesternight And to take alongst with him Thomas Fisher who knowes the petitioners case.

At Edinburgh 13 December 1692


Procedure: petition

Petition concerning a riot and murder committed at Broughton by Ensign Campbell

The lords of their majesties’ privy council, having considered a petition given in to them by Thomas Fisher, present treasurer of Herriot’s Hospital, for himself and in name and behalf of the other heritors and inhabitants within the barony and regality of Broughton belonging to the said hospital and other heritors and inhabitants adjacent thereto, complaining of a riot committed by […] Campbell, ensign in [Colonel Francis] O’Farrell’s regiment upon the inhabitants, and the lord high chancellor having acquainted their lordships That he has given order for apprehending the said ensign, the said lords hereby appoint a proclamation to be drawn and published for seizing the said ensign Campbell wherever he may be apprehended and inhibiting any person to harbour or conceal him, and they nominate and appoint Lord Hatton and Sir William Lockhart, their majesties’ solicitor, as a committee to examine the petitioners, with power to set them at liberty if they shall find cause, and they recommend to the Said Sir William Lockhart to examine […] Sutherland, a soldier lying wounded in Calton, of his wounds which he received at Broughton last night, and to take along with him Thomas Fisher who knows the petitioner’s case.

1. PC1/48, 506.

2. The word ‘belonging’ is scored-out here.

1. PC1/48, 506.

2. The word ‘belonging’ is scored-out here.