Procedure: report, 21 July 1692, Edinburgh

Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Tuenty First day of Jullij Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years


Procedure: report

Major Mo[n]ro’s report anent the Bass

The Councill Haveing Called for Major Monro whom Sir Thomas Livingstoun hade sent to enquyre anent the ship said to be Lyeing at the Bass or in the road The major gave accompt That by what he could know There wes a french ship came to the Bass upon tuesday about seven of the cloack at night And went away upon wednisday about Eight in the morning And that she Livered some things in three great2 boatts to the Bass And there wes a doggar Lyeing befor the Bass which since yesternight at seven of the cloack hes Lyen Closs to it.

At Edinburgh 21 July 1692


Procedure: report

Major Monro’s report concerning the Bass

The council having called for Major Monro, whom Sir Thomas Livingston had sent to enquire concerning the ship said to be lying at the Bass or in the road, the major gave account that by what he could know there was a French ship came to the Bass upon Tuesday about seven o’clock at night and went away upon Wednesday about eight in the morning, and that she delivered some things in three great boatloads to the Bass, and there was a dogger lying before the Bass which since yesternight at seven o’clock has lain close to it.

1. PC1/48, 331.

2. Inserted above the line.

1. PC1/48, 331.

2. Inserted above the line.